I've been Bad.


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Re: I\'ve been Bad.


And SS, There alot of different types of support besides supplies or money. And youre supposed millions of millions of people giving blood to the US? I never heard of that once in the news.

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What, you don't remember Yasser Arafat sitting down giving blood after 9/11, he was just one of many, of course, I wouldn't want Arafats blood running through me, but I guess if you needed it, you wouldn't care. England and France sent specialized search equipment that we don't have in this country, Canada sent rescue workers. And one of the biggest arguments last year during the campaign was how many countries had sent troops to help us in the "War on Terror", so whats the deal, other countries send troops, send people, send equipment, people in other countries hold vigils and give blood, but we didn't get any outside support right. And ya'll accuse me of forgetting 9/11.

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Re: I\'ve been Bad.


That's exactly right. I agree. I look out for me. I to do what ever helps me out not people in Iraq, iran, saudi arabia, and where ever the Americans are going to try and take over next.

lets face it, these wars may never help me or the people in my county. IF we stay out of things why would people hate us like they hate the americans?

There hasn't been many attacks in Canada and I hope it stays that way.

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Dude, you need to stop! mad.gif

Like the US is really out to take these countries over, come on! mad.gif This is really ticking me off. You must be uneducated on what is really happening in this world.

Okay, are you a christian, if so, odds are they hate you, and would like to see you die.

As for why there hasnt been many attacks in canada, could it be because youre next to us? Mexico isnt having lots of attacks either. Let me guess, youre thinking that has nothing to do with it though right?

Okay, you think these wars will never help you or your country, say that fifty years from now.

Selfishness is a bad thing fly. Look out for others, not just yourself. crazy.gifmad.gif

I wonder how you are thinking these things? crazy.giffrown.gif

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Re: I\'ve been Bad.


IF we stay out of things why would people hate us like they hate the americans?

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Because if we give up the fight then you may be the next infadells on thier list to conquer. There religion teaches that the world should follow islam and that those who don't are infadels and should be killed. It doesn't matter if your jewish, christian, buttist or even athiest. Anyone who is not Muslem is an infadel and must convert or die.

If we don't get a hold on this now you may never be affected by it, but your children or grandchildren may have to fight, die or convert.

Sticking your head in the sand only puts off when you will have to deal with it. Make no mistake, they will come to you if they get passed us. So if you don't have to deal with them, a hearty thank you would be appriciated.

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