Just signed him up!


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Re: Just signed him up!

Thats cool Tom. They cannot take the class here until 10, but kids under 10 can hunt without it. Since they changed the definition of "youths" for the youth hunt here, my 9 year old daughter will get to hunt that early season hunt. Really looking forward to that.

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Re: Just signed him up!

I'm having trouble getting my 10 year old into a class here. Kids can hunt once they turn 10, but don't need hunter's safety until they are 16 and can hunt alone.

I think he should have the class if he is going to be out hunting, but they take the older kids first since they have to have it. That means there is no room for the younger hunters that are getting started!

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Re: Just signed him up!

well, if your son doesn't need it until 16, I'd try to give him your own "class". you'll probably be more thorough than the instructor anyway.

I've found that hunter-safety classes were pretty much common sense things that I felt a parent should have already taught their child. I took my class, eesh, 15 years ago, and was honestly a bit insulted about the things they felt it necessary to teach... don't aim a loaded firearm at somebody, know what is behind your target, what the different parts of the gun were, etc.

I think a parent can do so much more for their child than a hunter safety class. However, I do feel the classes have their purpose. There are a lot of people who didn't have the chance to spend time with a parent or child, that really benefit from the class.

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