feeling bad about a shot i took


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went hunting this afternoon, haven't been for a while now because of the raining every day(hard rain)... it slacked of so of to the woods i go ...i sat there for 2 hours seeing only tree rats then all at one here come in a couple of deer .... the first was a small doe the next was a bigger doe but not real big ..then a great big doe comes in...well i watched them for about 15 minutes thinking that maybe a buckmight come in .... well it was starting to get pretty dark in the woods and already being set up for the shot i took one at the big doe.... she was quarteing away at 20 yards and i pit my pin in behind the last rib... hit my release and wham....smack...i hit her but not as i had planned...it hit in the hip... she ran for about 15 yards then started just walking and standing....at about 40 yards from where i shot her she stood and started to stumble a little... she takes off hard for 30 more yards then just hops...i watched her bed down at about 100 yards from my stand in the edge of a pine thicket....i wish now that i had not taken the shot cause it made me sick to see her struggling off like that.... i will go in and look for her tomarrow....it looked as though there was about a foot of my arrow in her.... thanks for listing to my big mistake ...take care all will post the outcome tomarrow in this same thread..God Bless....

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Re: feeling bad about a shot i took

I made a shot that went bad like that last month too. Unfortunately, I didn't recover her, she was gut shot. Hopefully you will recover her in the morning. I know what you are feeling, (I was almost threw up when I recovered my arrow and it was green from broadhead to fletch) and I don't envy you. but, like was said above. it goes to show you resect the animals you hunt, or it wouldn't bother you. Best of luck tomorrow, let us know how you make out.

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Re: feeling bad about a shot i took

Tom, did you find her? If so, good job bro, way to back out and let her lay. If not, hang in there. I have had extremely bad, bad luck with my muzzleloader. I hunt in very thick cover here in Oklahoma. I used to use the Hornady XTP's but for some reason they didn't expand and do much damage. I lost 2 deer because of this (we searched and searched for hours for these deer). I was literally to the point of giving up muzzleloading until AJ suggested I try the PR bullets. I shot a buck Monday. He fell immediately, grunted once and died, no exit hole but the entrance wound was probably 2 inches wide by 4-5 inches long. What a feeling. My muzzleloader has been redeemed and my confidence restored. Keep up the pursuit of excellence. If we didn't care about our quarry then we wouldn't be true sportman. I felt sick about the deer I lost with my muzzleloader but that feeling is gone now and I think I am a better hunter because of it. Learn what you can from this experience. It sounds like the shot was an excellent opportunity. I doubt any of us would have passed it up. Let us know if you found her or not. Good luck, Greg

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Re: feeling bad about a shot i took

Good deal pulling out for the night like you did.

I hope she's either dead where you saw her lay down or too weak to get up andd you can give her a finishing shot in the morning.

All the best tomorrow Tom. It does sound like you did some damage, which is a good sign.

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Re: feeling bad about a shot i took

went out this morning and found my arrow in the does bed ...she was gone .no blood anywhere so hopefully i will see her limping around in a few days.... and i looked for 2 ridges for sign around her bed making 50 yard circles.... man i'm tired.... and the buck that made the scrape in my walkin trail ,... well hes back.... he freshened it up last night of early this morn.... so maybe i can get him.. but only have 2 more days of bow season then it reopens monday for 5 days then the mz season opens and the rut will be full swing....

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