morning or evening?


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Re: morning or evening?

Definately mornings for me. I have killed all of my biggest bucks in the morning. I have only killed a couple small bucks in the evening. I have taken lots of does in the evenings though. The places I hunted, the good ones did not come out until well after dark. Occasionally you could find them sneaking back to their beds just as it gets light.

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Re: morning or evening?

It's easier setting up in the evening specially while bowhunting.

And as you sit on stand the longer you sit in the evenings the better the odds of seeing deer.As the evening wears on deer activity picks up.

The longer you sit in the mornings your odds go down unless your talking the rut.

I've taken as many deer on morning hunts as I have on evening hunts,but my best came from a morning hunt.

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Guest BowHunter81

Re: morning or evening?

Mostly the mornings, Its colder and feels alot better, and yes its alot easier to track at 9am that at 6 or 7 pm in the dark. Plus I have had great luck on deer in Mornings. 8:28 am nice 8 pointer"On my wall now"

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: morning or evening?

i like the evening deer hunts.....i killed all my big bucks in the evening....just seems to me the deer are moving better in the evening......around here anyways.

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Re: morning or evening?

I like morning hunts like everyone else, because thats when the woods open it's big eyes and yawn.

But during the rut I've seen more and bigger deer move during the early and late afternoons. I think the deer believe there's no hunters in the woods. I rather stay in the stand the whole day.

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Re: morning or evening?

in my area where i hunt i like the evenings best have better luck....the only way to get to my stand is by route of thefields the deer are feeding in and the bedding is past my stand on private land and no hunting .... so in the evenings the deer get outof their bed come thru by my stand to go feed and i wack them...which i have had some new property given to me to hunt which i think will be a good morning spot to hunt ...we'll find out in about 6 weeks

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Re: morning or evening?

Mornings normally generate more deer movement since its cooler. Also during the rut bucks may be cruising around doe bedding areas right after the sun has lifted. Your best chance for a big one showing up would definitely be in the mornings, I have taken two my biggest bucks at this time. Another advantage is if you do get one down it is certainly easier to track in the light and you have alot of time to get the deer cleaned and out of the woods.

Evening hunts can be good too, early season when your concentrating on a food source are when evenings are most productive. However when you do get a deer down its much harder tracking in the dark.


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Re: morning or evening?

I like mornings the best because I really enjoy being up in my tree in the dark and watching the woods slowly come to life as the sun rises. As for the hunting aspect, I prefer morning for the simple fact that if I have to blood trail a deer I know I have alot of daylight to do it by. I don't mind blood trailing a deer in the dark if I hit one in the late afternoon, but I'd much rather do it in daylight.

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Re: morning or evening?

When the season opens here Sept 1st evening hunts are the best IMO. Your chances of ambushing a big deer at a food source or on the way to one is better in the afternoons.

During the pre rut & the peak rut I'd rather hunt in the mornings. Bucks do stupid things in the mornings when they start to rut. Every nice deer I've taken during this time they've been shot in open fields & not 1 shot has been over 125 yards.

When December rolls around I hunt evenings again. Its cold, no more insects & deer are so spooked after the rut I've just had more luck hunting corn fields or over food plots in the evenings.

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