The Perfect Bow


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Re: The Perfect Bow

Axle to Axle between 36" to 42".

decent speed between 260 and 350 fps second.

brace height of 6" to 7".

a comfortable handle that can be replaced with other inserts to fit different hand sizes.

Draw weights capable of going up to 100 lbs.

Realtree camo.

Extremely quiet.


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Re: The Perfect Bow

It's hard to say. So many new technology advancements, different styles are now becoming more "user friendly."

Realtree or Advantage Camo

Axle-to-Axle between 31" and 36"

Brace Height 7" or better (more like 7 1/4" or better)

60-70 Pound Draw Weight

65% Let-off

Good, solid grip, not too big, not too small

Something that looks good to me

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