yet to shoot a brid

Guest littlebighorn

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Guest littlebighorn

this is my 3rd season of this mind boggling sport.for the past 3 years spring and fall i have seen a few good toms but yet to get them to come in close enough for a shot.i follow all the rules camo,camo,camo.i sit extra still and am very quit.but still no shot i am not sure what i am doing wrong.any aadvice that can help me bag my frist long beard?????thanks. confused.gif

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

I don't think your doing anything wrong. The wild turkey has a brain the size of a walnut, yet is smarter than any human. If you really are doing all the things you say you do, your time will come. I haven't shot a bird in the 2 years I have been hunting and I've had many close calls also. Just gotta keep trying. If you got a bird everytime you went out, what fun would it be? It's hunting, not shopping. wink.gif

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

You forgot 3 things.....patience, patience, anmd patience. It doesnt sound like you are doing anything wrong. Like said before, you just have to stay after it and your time will come if your in the right place at the right time. Use all the time the state gives you to hunt.....Hunt every minute of it. My best bird was shot at 3:30 in the afternoon on public ground. I was out there well before daylight and the majority of the hunters cleared the woods by 11am.......So I stayed out there. Just keep at it!!

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

That is why it is called hunting. I was successful turkey hunting for a few years and now I am in a 2 year slump; haven't gotten a fall or spring turkey for 2 years. I'm not giving up thought and will have just as much determination this fall. Keep your head up, do a little scouting, have patience, and your hard work will pay off!

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

i hunted 3 years before i got one....i mean i was out there 3-4 days a week....and still nothing, then i my sister called one in for me, then the next day i called one in for her, then on the 3rd day i hunted, i called one in by season was over, it was horrible.....just keep doing what you're doing, your day will come....

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

I have known people who shot a turkey their first day of hunting thme and also talked to others where it took years before they bagged their first. I know people who get a turkey every year and others where it was 10 years between sucessful kills. To me each day I hunt for turkeys is a sucessful outing.

Each day you hunt will teach you more about hunting them. Do not pressure yourself to bag one. Enjoy each hunt as a sucess for being there.

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Re: yet to shoot a brid

You haven't mentioned your calling ability. Can you actually work a few different styles of turkey calls? Being a good caller is important, besides having the ability to keep still. Turkeys can spot the slightest amount of movement from very far away due to their very keen eyesight. Three tips to keep from getting fidgity, is to be sitting on a comfortable seat, to be using one of those Therma-Cell units to keep the bugs at bay, and a good dose of patience!!! I have found over the years that those three things can make or break a hunt in a hurry!!

You might want to try a turkey decoy as well. Experience will always be your best teacher no matter what. Hang tuff, this isn't an easy sport to master.

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Re: yet to shoot a brid


The wild turkey has a brain the size of a walnut, yet is smarter than any human.

[/ QUOTE ]

No they ain't. smirk.gif They're actually pretty dumb.

I'll try to make this as painless as possible. I'm, more or less, just summarizing the key points that everyone has already posted here.

1. Have patience

2. Good camo/don't move

3. Know where he wants to go and call from there.

4. Learn to call precisely and accurately (and better than the other guys).

5. Know where he doesn't want to go and don't try to make him go there.

6. Be patient.

7. Don't let a dumb bird or rumors of their intelligence psych you out.

8. Patience, patience, patience.

9. Keep still.......even if you don't think there's a turkey watching you.

10. Have fun not killing turkeys. The actual "work & kill" is usually a small percentage of the time spent afield (even for professionals like me & Redbeard grin.gif ). Enjoy yourself!!!!!

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Guest littlebighorn

Re: yet to shoot a brid

thanks for all the help.i am npt a good caller so i just plain don't do far a decoys i have used them in the there any vido to help me learn to call???

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Guest INHunterman

Re: yet to shoot a brid

Yes there are plenty of videos on the market to help you with turkey hunting. One of them is made by Primos "Mastering the Art Guide to Spring Turkey Hunting". Hope this helps.

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