Now this is SICK!


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Well apparently these people have god on the brain and fail to see what idiots they are being.

Members of the Rev. Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., are picketing military funerals, KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reported Friday.

The group has made national headlines for traveling throughout the country to picket gay churches, gay weddings, and the funeral of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was murdered in Wyoming in 1998.

Friday, about 15 members of the group -- some of them children -- picketed the funeral of a St. Joseph soldier who was killed in Iraq. Mahoney reported that the group stood across the road from the Grace Evangelical Church during the funeral of 21-year-old Spc. Edward Myers.

"The first sin was being a part of this military. If this young man had a clue and any fear of God, he would have run, and not walked, from this military," said protester Shirley Phelps-Roper. "Who would serve a nation that is godless and has flipped off, defiantly defied, defiantly flipped off, the Lord their God?"

One protester had an American flag tied to his belt that draped to the ground. He was holding a sign that read, "Thank God For IEDs," which are explosive devices used by insurgents to blow up military convoys.

Protesters said America has ignored the word of God, and those who defend the nation must pay a price.

"That's the first piece of solid evidence that you have that the young man is currently in ****," Phelps-Roper said.

"The soldier is in **** now, you believe?" Mahoney asked.

"Absolutely," Phelps-Roper said.

'Protesters Were Rude'

About a dozen veterans stood across the road from the protesters, and Mahoney reported that there were some harsh words and insults traded between the two groups. However, sheriff deputies were stationed about 100 yards away and there was no violence.

"The protesters were so rude -- were disrespectful," said veteran Jim Fields.

"Do I like it? No, I don't. But what can you say, it's a free country," said veteran Dave Campbell.

Veterans told KMBC that a member of the soldier's family shouted at the protesters to leave, and they left about 20 minutes after the funeral started. Mahoney reported that there was applause from veterans and other crowd members when the protesters left.

After the funeral was over, one of the mourners commented on the irony of the protesters showing up at a soldier's funeral.

"They shouldn't protest the funeral for a man who was out there dying to protect the rights that they're demanding they receive," said Marvin Russell.

Russell said he thinks the soldier's family saw the protesters.

"I think it saddened them. They didn't say anything outright, but you could tell by the way they looked down that this was a sad thing to do. They're already in mourning, they don't need people like this to make it worse," Russell said.

Myers was buried with full military honors in Leavenworth National Cemetery. He leaves behind a wife and two children.

One of the protesters said the group is planning to picket other military funerals.

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Re: Now this is SICK!

I have never experienced anything personally that this church has done, but I have been on their website and sent them a nasty e-mail one time. This church doesn't have God on the brain, they have hatred on the brain, hatred for anyone and anything that is in direct conflict with their distorted beliefs. They will have to answer to God for their actions as well as the rest of us.

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Re: Now this is SICK!


Protesters said America has ignored the word of God

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That's the only thing I read that I agree with, but then so has every other nation in the world.

The gay issue has been discussed here at length before and everyone knows what I believe, as a Christian, on that issue, but I don't go around inciting hatred for gays, because I don't hate them.

There are radical groups no matter where you go. These people have no business at funerals, that's for dang sure.

Hatred is all I see too.

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Re: Now this is SICK!


I have never experienced anything personally that this church has done, but I have been on their website and sent them a nasty e-mail one time. This church doesn't have God on the brain, they have hatred on the brain, hatred for anyone and anything that is in direct conflict with their distorted beliefs. They will have to answer to God for their actions as well as the rest of us.

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Wow! Slug I agree 100%!!! smile.gif

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Re: Now this is SICK!



I have never experienced anything personally that this church has done, but I have been on their website and sent them a nasty e-mail one time. This church doesn't have God on the brain, they have hatred on the brain, hatred for anyone and anything that is in direct conflict with their distorted beliefs. They will have to answer to God for their actions as well as the rest of us.

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Wow! Slug I agree 100%!!! smile.gif

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Somebody call h e l l , cause I think it may have just froze over. grin.gif

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Re: Now this is SICK!




I have never experienced anything personally that this church has done, but I have been on their website and sent them a nasty e-mail one time. This church doesn't have God on the brain, they have hatred on the brain, hatred for anyone and anything that is in direct conflict with their distorted beliefs. They will have to answer to God for their actions as well as the rest of us.

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Wow! Slug I agree 100%!!! smile.gif

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Somebody call h e l l , cause I think it may have just froze over. grin.gif

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Re: Now this is SICK!

i better not see any one protesting a a funeral of a military person and people protesting what that person did for god and country. it will rain down fire and brimestone from above with me as the angel of death to those who would commit sin agaisnt the loss of life

rob k

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Re: Now this is SICK!

I got a e-mail week before last about this group and from STARK and they told us that we are not to confrount them in any way, that is what they are looking for. Not only will it make the news but we will get sued over it, that is one of the big things they are looking for. They get there big money from doing this, when someone gets out of hand.

I hate it as much as anyone but for now, let the LEA's do there job. We was told that we are to call the LEA's to let them know when there is a funeral for a Vet so they can be there to take care of this.

BTW: they have picked WV, Pa, Va, Ky and Md as just some states they are looking at hitting.


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Re: Now this is SICK!


I hate it as much as anyone but for now, let the LEA's do there job. We was told that we are to call the LEA's to let them know when there is a funeral for a Vet so they can be there to take care of this.

BTW: they have picked WV, Pa, Va, Ky and Md as just some states they are looking at hitting.


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If they pick a military funeral at one of those states, they may not come back. There's some boys there that don't play.

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Re: Now this is SICK!

It's been awhile since I have been on their website. It hasn't changed much, except for the fact that they thank God for the London subway bombings, oh, and they post a schedule of events for what funeral they are going to be picketing next. I remember when I first found their website, this was back in the late 90's when I was still in the USAF. They had a bunch of statements meant to frighten anyone from sending them nasty e-mails, talking about how the FBI investigates threats and harrassment is a crime. For obvious reasons I can't post the actual URL since this is a family site, pretty crazy since it is a "churches" website.

Westboro Baptist

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Re: Now this is SICK!

I completely agree with TSBH, if I was there I think 15 people would have been run over by a silver pick-up. mad.gif

These loud mouth cause-heads are only seeking attention. Normally I turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it. But to disrespect a young man's memory, and to upset his family like that is completely uncalled for.

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Now this is SICK!

Phelps and his group are a blight to our fine State of Kansas and to all who truly love God and our Country. They do not follow Christ nor do they serve the Lord, but rather they simply create a god that suits their desires by picking and choosing pieces of scripture.

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Re: Now this is SICK!

After quite a bit of consideration, I've come to the conclusion that these people, or at least the leadership, are nothing more than a small, radical, political special interest group who have decided to drape themselves in the cloak of religion to try to give themselves some semblence of legitimacy. Which brings me to the next conclusion that as a political special interest group, they should be fair game in the arena of political discourse. Meaning I can definitely voice my opinion of them...


Now I feel better. grin.gif

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Re: Now this is SICK!

They don't believe in God... They might say they do, but they don't. They are trying to get a reason to believe they are right to do what they are doing thats it. I bet if you got in one of their faces, they would change their mind. Sounds like people wants attention.

String them up if you ask me!


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Re: Now this is SICK!


I think that belief in god is a wholistic thing. Faith is good, and verybody need faith. It is when you get more than ten people together of similar faih under one roof that fire and brimstone are soon to follow. It is one of the trade off's for the whole fruit thing god made us suceptable to mob mentaliy. You would think that when you put 100 minds together the world could be swept aside. For some reason however, you can watch the collecive intellgence quotient fall to the ground like bricks dropped from an airplane.

It is sad that little poeple hide behind the guise of something so pure. But then gain times never really change do they.

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Yep. Man believes what man believes. And what man believes is true. We are a weak specimen that needs some kind of hope. Even if it's fictitious. A form of denial I guess..........

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Re: Now this is SICK!


Even if it's fictitious. A form of denial I guess..........

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I'll see you at the judgement seat.

I know the Lord's salvation is real. I know I never imagined what happened in my heart and to my life more than 18 years ago now, when I asked Jesus to come into my life and forgive me and give me strength to change. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that God is real, because of what he has done in my life.

The only fiction is your opinion.

I'm not speaking as a moderator right now either, just a dumb, ex druggy, drunk and womanizer who had a saving experience with Jesus one day while sitting at my kitchen table.

I didn't change me, he did. smile.gif

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