ZZ Top Concert - Pics


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Had a little bit of a different crowd tonight at the fair. This was my first time seeing ZZ Top, my first thought was that they were shorter than what i thought grin.gif Anyway they were AWESOME, I would say that for the fair this week they were the second best for the concerts I've seen so far. I ended up shooting a little over 700 shots, heres's a few...

Tomorrow (I guess it's today already) is Brad Paisley










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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: ZZ Top Concert - Pics

wow.....nice pics......great fair....our fair starts today....we have cheap trick ....charlie daniels band...Gary Allen.....Glengarry Bhoys..never heard of them before and a few local bands playing this week...love the fair and enjoy the entertainment,

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Re: ZZ Top Concert - Pics

Jesus Just Left Chicago - by ZZ Top

Jesus just left Chicago and he's bound for New Orleans.

Well now, Jesus just left Chicago and he's bound for New Orleans.

Yeah, yeah.

Workin' from one end to the other and all points in between.

Took a jump through Mississippi, well, muddy water turned to wine.

Took a jump through Mississippi, muddy water turned to wine.

Yeah, yeah.

Then out to California through the forests and the pines.

Ah, take me with you, Jesus.

You might not see him in person but he'll see you just the same.

You might not see him in person but he'll see you just the same.

Yeah, yeah.

You don't have to worry 'cause takin' care of business is his name.


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Re: ZZ Top Concert - Pics

Last night about 1/3 way through the concert they announced that they were going to sing a new song and the crowd kinda murmerred and slightly booed because they wanted to here all the older stuff... well that was until they heard that the name of the song was "Buck Naked" grin.gif If that's a new song let me tell you it's going to do well, sounded great.

Outdoorgirl - Theres another fair that I go to that will have Gary Allen also... I'm hoping to go to it to take pics too... I like his music and he's got the same name as me too grin.gif

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