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Went out shooting this morning. I have my new sight, sighted in! Well I missed the block target the first three shots! The last time I was out, when I got back I waxed the strings. Here I must have moved the peep. No, I still didnt get the peep re-served. But you can bet it will be done this week! I started off shooting field-tips. Then I was shooting broadheads. Thats when it dawned on me that the peep was moving around! Since I got this new sight I wanted to make sure the broadheads were sighted in before the season. Good thing I still have time! While it there I might have some new string leeches put on. Them things dont last very long too!

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Interesting. If the peep moves then you will not see the sight right? I would think this would be noticed right awa before you took a shot.??? Are you certain your sight did not move or something? If my peep was to move, I would know it right away and put it back where it belongs.

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Interesting. If the peep moves then you will not see the sight right? I would think this would be noticed right awa before you took a shot.??? Are you certain your sight did not move or something? If my peep was to move, I would know it right away and put it back where it belongs.

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This isn't meant to knock John(LifeNRA) at all. Jim, I'm sure have been shooting for a long time. I have been shooting for 10 years. This is Johns first year with the bow, I believe. What we consider second nature, the way our draw feel, how our anchor point feels, John might not have gotten the feel for that in the time he has been shooting. Thats comes with time, and repitition.

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"Since I got this new sight I wanted to make sure the broadheads were sighted in before the season."

Will you still be confident about the Where your broadhead shoots if your bow gets dropped or something???

Sighting in now is all fine and dandy...but...just before a hunt, a day or two ahead of time or same day if possible,(IMO) is better. You'll have up-to-date information to remember when you are shooting at a deer!

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Interesting. If the peep moves then you will not see the sight right? I would think this would be noticed right awa before you took a shot.??? Are you certain your sight did not move or something? If my peep was to move, I would know it right away and put it back where it belongs.

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That was my thought Jim. If the peep moves, I would think your anchor would be all over the place and so would the sight.

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Nope..I was not trying to knock him at all...Did not know this was his first year...You learn as you go with archery for sure.....

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Wasn't accusing you of knocking him Jim. Know you better than that. I just didn't want to offend John about maybe not having the "feel" for anchor point.

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"Since I got this new sight I wanted to make sure the broadheads were sighted in before the season."

Will you still be confident about the Where your broadhead shoots if your bow gets dropped or something???

Sighting in now is all fine and dandy...but...just before a hunt, a day or two ahead of time or same day if possible,(IMO) is better. You'll have up-to-date information to remember when you are shooting at a deer!

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Yeah Gary I plan on shooting the day before the opener. Just took me a little longer to get the broadheads and field tips to hit the same spot! I did buy a new sight. But was out few days before this and it was shooting really good. Keeping three arrows in a three inch circle at 30 yards with field tips. But this day I shot three arrows(FT) and all three missed at 30 yards. When I moved in to 15 yards Shot three more arrows they all hit the same spot. But very far to the right and almost off the block! Thats when I noticed I was not keeping the kisser in the corner of my mouth the same way, saw the serving was completely off the string for the peep. I was moving my head to line up the kisser to my eye and throwing everything off. But this wont happen again!

Thanks everyone! blush.gif

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John, Try something that sounds really first.

Only..when you are in a safe place to shoot an arrow!!!

(even better if you could have someone behind you as a safety measure) wink.gif

Stand close enough to the target that your sure you'll hit it.

Draw your Bow with your eyes closed...after you have found what you think is your anchor point...then open your eyes and see where everything is lining up!

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Practice Practice Practice repitition will get you anchor point to also helps when you are in the field and you realize your peep fell out or your sight pin broke you almost develope a instinct shooting style only with the help of all the gadgets nothing substitutes for PRACTICE and lots of it.

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