everyones an expert


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Re: everyones an expert

darrin, was that just a personal vent or do you truly believe that kind of introduction is going to change something? My response:

If you don't like certain videos - don't watch

If you don't like 30+ yard shots - don't take them

If someone refer's to a whitetail's headgear as "horns" rather than antlers is that really the end of the world?

As to the age of a deer, like someone else said you hunt in an area long enough you can tell what a typical deer for your area would show for characteristics for a certain age. For instance, most 1.5 year old bucks up this way aren't 6 - 8 points like in some areas of the midwest.

Careful that soap box doesn't get kicked out from under you man.

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Re: everyones an expert


Years ago I would spend hours at the video store trying to find a hunting video to buy. Now everyone and there mother are produceing hunting videos. Im in heaven to be able to watch hunting on TV and the choices of videos at Cabelas or Gander Mountain.

I have issues with this flooding of videos is that they all seem to know everything about hunting ang the biology of the whitetailed deer.

There are a few things that bother me the most #1 a male deer has antlers not horns. #2 I am a biologist for a fish and wildlife agency and I am letting everyone know that it is IMMPOSSIBLE to tell the age of a deer by just looking at it. The only sure way to age a deer is by looking at the wear of the back teeth. The only way to make an educated guess is to identify a noticible characteristic in the deers body or his antlers at a young age and be able to follow that animal throughout its life. #3 With the technology of todays hunting archery equipment it seems to me that hunters are shooting to far. Shooting at a deer over 30 yards to me is un-ethical. A deer needs only take one step and now you have yourself a wounded deer. My issue is that the everyday bowhunter picks up there bow 2 weeks before the season and watching people on hunting videos harvest a deer at 45 yards now they think they can make that shot. Most people that harvest a deer further than 30 yards are just plane lucky. There is always another day.

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Not trying to stir the pot here, but you first couldn't find a video on hunting, and now there are so many to choose from it seems you are complaining about it. I think anyone can become an expert in their own ways when it comes to having enough experience and knowledge.

Seems to me your jealous about how people can judge deer's age and people make great shots over 30 yards. It's not luck, practice, practice, practice. That makes them experts.

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Guest antlers21

Re: everyones an expert

I took a doe at 37 yrds two years ago and I know for a fact that it wasn't luck and I could make that shot 10 out of 10 times. I believe some archers shouldn't take shots past 30 yrds, some shouldn't take shots past 20 yrds but archers that shoot a lot and can control the other elements that happen to the body when deer are present can make very ethical kills.

As far as the videos go if you dont like them please dont buy them. Isn't it better that we have many to watch instead of only a few that you see over and over. Field judging is by body and facial features only, we all know that. I very much enjoyed your first post on the forums. Cant wait to read your next venting post. Hope it isn't about all the different kinds of camo patterns out there! LOL

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Re: everyones an expert

For a biologist you don't seem to know much.

Alot of people I know only get there bows out only 2-3 weeks before season and can be hitting an apple at 60 yrds. I for one will take a good open shot out to 60yrds if the deer is relaxed and preocupied and I will kill that deer ethicly. And if calling thier antlers, horns is wrong I guess we shouldn't call a huge deer a HOG

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Re: everyones an expert

You can think what you want. Maybe you practice 2 days before the season. Maybe you aren't capable of shooting past 30 yards.

I for one, and most of the hunters I know practice practically year round. I constantly practice to 50 yards. Would I shoot a deer at 50..NO, wouldn't even think about it. 40 yards?....in the right situation, I wouldn't hesitate. It is all about practicing, and knowing your equiptment.

Sorry Mr. Wildlife biologist, but you are way out of line here, especially for your first post!

Oh, by the way, welcome to the RT.com forums cool.gif

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Re: everyones an expert


My issue is that the everyday bowhunter picks up there bow 2 weeks before the season and watching people on hunting videos harvest a deer at 45 yards now they think they can make that shot.

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Here's one thing that bothers me.........folks that say they Harvest a deer.........You harvest vegetables, you KILL deer.

I've killed deer over 30 yards with a bow and I'll continue to. I shoot all year and I'm willing to bet that I'll kill a deer faster at 40 yards with my bow then I would with a gun.

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: everyones an expert

I believe everyone is different in there shooting capabilities. I know some guys who practice a lot and still can't shoot (or choose not too) past 30 yds.

i know some who are very comfortable taking 40 yds shots. IF everything is right.

There is factors when taking long shots.

Most veteran hard core bowhunters know if they can do it or not.

Granite, some hunters it is luck smile.gif

ONLY shoot what your comfortable with, even if its 15 yds smile.gif Even if your buddy shoot 50 yds

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Re: everyones an expert

A Quote from a Friend of mine:

"The ageing of whitetail deer by the teeth is just a geuss as well. Depending on the forage that the deer eats throughout his life will determine how much his teeth wear. A ruminant will regurge and chew the tough twigs that he nubbed off earlier. If he ate just brassica the degradation of the tooth would be less severe."

Seems your not the only biologist either... smirk.gif

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Re: everyones an expert


I guess you proved your point darrin there are several experts here also. laugh.gif

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YEP,,,and they have the TROPHIES to prove it too.... grin.gifgrin.gif

DANG now see what you made me go and do..... crazy.gif,,I said I wasn't going to get into the opinionated debated ,,but NO someone had to bait me right into it..... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

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Re: everyones an expert

#1, if you don't like hunting videos, don't buy them. Pretty simple right?

#2, 30yd shots unethical confused.gif....maybe you just need more practice wink.gif

#3, I agree.....alot of bowhunters are picking their bow up 2 weeks before deer season. Me personally, I shoot mine all year. HOWEVER COMMA,,,there are hunters that shoot all year that couldn't hit the side of a barn under pressure. So that is no win situation there?

#4. I can tell the age of a deer pretty much by looking at it. I guess that makes me "Super Bioligist" then don't it smirk.gif

My suggestion to you, these are good forums. Let's keep them that way. We don't need people coming in here with their first post trying to stir the pot wink.gif Just a suggestion. Welcome aboard though smirk.gif

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Re: everyones an expert



I think Darrin is TSBH's little boy. Just diggin' in the heels like the old man. wink.gif

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OK, I will play stupid for a minute confused.gif

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Just an analogy--see, you're kind of an opinionated guy, or so I'm told. Seems darrin is too, like maybe.....

Never mind. grin.gif

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