Wisdom Teeth


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Well I can't sleep at night--thought I had a ear infection it hurt so bad... well my wisdom teeth have grown out so much this week... I am going to the dentist on Thursday to get the referal taken care of... Any horror stories for me... hopefully some good stories... As silly as this sounds.. I have no problem gutting and slicing animals yet I am acting like the biggest wimp ever with this tooth deal crazy.gifblush.gif

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

I assume you mean you have to get them taken out. If so, Nada problemo....the worst part will be worrying about it.

I got mine out and was eating McDonalds the very next day...never felt the first pain and never had to take any of the pain pills.

The worst part is the feeling that your mouth isn't clean and probably your breath. You might want to curtail daiting anyone you like for about a week until things get back to normal. Save the dates for the guys who won't leave you alone and the ones you want to get rid of....then you get up really good and close and say...

"Did I tellllll you of my good friends Hhhhheather. She lives in Hhhhhalifffffaxxxxx and hhhhhas one heck of a hhhhhard hhhhhead". Job done! laugh.gif

Don't fret it, modern day Pharmacology is wonderful! Rent some good movies ahead of time and kick back and enjoy life of being pampered for a while. Post surgery is the only time I can get the wife and kids to leave me alone for any extended period of time--however, after my shoulder surgery and my other surgery which we won't mention, I am running out of elective surgeries to have! laugh.gifwink.gif


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Guest Andrea

Re: Wisdom Teeth

I'm right there with ya WG, gotta get all mine pulled too. I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST!!!!!!! They are going to put me to sleep ( Never had that done before!!!) and pull them all at once. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

Just thinkin about it makes me nauseous. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

Having 4 teeth pulled + braces helped me fit mine in. The only way I will have to have them pulled is if they get any cavities.

My sister got dry sockets. Had to take her to the ER. Those don't sound like fun.

Good Luck with the removal. Kick back and relax for a while afterwards.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Wisdom Teeth


I had mine out when I was about 16. Pretty easy...they knocked me out, yanked them, and I was flirting with the nurses in no time. My mom was so embarassed that she took me out the backdoor. Sorry...I was on drugs. Couldn't help it. grin.gif

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Uh-oh.....that scares me even more. Better watch what I say, huh?? grin.gif

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer or maybe it was George gets knocked out in the doctors chair and wakes up to see the nurse and doctor zipping pants and buttoning up shirts! What a riot!

What actually goes on when you're asleep?????

Sorry, having your wisdoms out really isn't too bad - you will be fine!

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

When I just had my shoulder surgery, they gave me Versed...something similar to Valium but much much stronger.

I don't remember much but AFTER they gave it to me, the doctor and the anesthesiologist came in and asked me questions about this or that and I answered them. I hope I answered them right because I have no idea what they asked or how I answered.

There is no telling what happened in the room when I was wheeled in there! laugh.gif


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Re: Wisdom Teeth

I really didn't have any problems when I had mine removed. I had all 4 done at the same time so I had quite a bit of bleeding. I felt pretty crappy for several hours after they were removed but felt pretty good the next day. I didn't have any bruising, swelling, or anything. I guess I was lucky. Best of luck to you as well.

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

Luckily when I got braces, I had to have 2 teeth pulled in order for my wisdom teeth to hopefully come in properly. Well they did and so far, no problems (except for last month when it seemed that I was at the dentist every week). When I got my two teeth pulled, all I got was some laughing gas (I found nothing funny) and novacaine. Dentists must tend to want to knock people out when doing wisdom teeth. Don't worry too much, once it is done, it'll be done. I'll say a prayer for you.

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

You'll be alright WFG. I got mine cut out at 26. Cut out at 7:00 a.m., back at work at 8:30. Had to go home at noon though. grin.gif Laid in bed all afternoon with ice packs on my cheeks, then was outside by 6:00 spraying weeds. I was even eating supper that night.

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

I had one removed. The only mistake I mad was electing to not take the gas and only took the 3 shots of novacaine.

Pretty wicked hearing that tooth crunch and snap and pop and ol Tom Payne cranked on it.

I must admit, I got kind of woozy, and doc Payne got upset with me for getting woozy on him. LOL. grin.gif

It's not too bad actually. Compared to chest surgery, it's nothing.

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Re: Wisdom Teeth

I had all four of mine cutout two years ago and I was told that my face would swell up like a chipmunk and that I would be black and blue for a while. I was also told that I would be in lots of pain. I felt nothing during the surgery as I was out cold and I was a little groggy the rest of the day. I never even felt pain at any time and a two weeks later the stitches dissolved and fell out. Good luck getting them out.


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