What the terrorists want?


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I was just reading another post in the deer hunting room about the .50 caliber ban in New york and how it could effect everything from legal ownership of that particuliar gun clear down to deer hunting with rifled slug barrels.One of the guys that lives there was so disgusted he said if it passes hes moving to a state that cares about peoples freedoms.Isnt it amazing this long after 9-11 what happened that day is still trickling down and affecting things the way it is.Isnt that part of what the terrorists were after when they planned that attack?

politicians are still passing un-needed gun laws and passing them off as anti terror measures.People are still getting pissed off because their rights are being stepped on in the process in the form of badly worded and not very well thought out bills.These attacks are still affecting our day to day lives in airports and other public places, groups like the ACLU are spouting off about profiling and the terrorists are still bowing things up around the world just often enough to remind us its still a very real threat.Its just kind of a controlled chaos still going on around the country.Isnt this part of what the terrorists were after to begin with?To get the government passing laws and tellng us theyre for our own good, to get the citizens of this country questioning thier government even more then ever, people watching other people with suspicion every time they leave the house, stirring racial hatred back up in this country, constant reminders that things arent safe like the terror alert levels theyre always showing on TV, or pulling people randomly outta lines in public places to search them, things like that.

I guess a lotta topics in here recently have just got me thinking about all this and kinda putting it together in one big picture.Whens someone gonna draw the line and say enoughs enough.If we continue down this road arent we giving them exactly what they were after in the first place?Just some random thoughts, Ive been up with the baby all night so my heads kinda foggy this morning, maybe Im just babbling grin.gif

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Re: What the terrorists want?

You know what Horst...they got exactly what they wanted.

And it's a shame that Americans still want to do things the politically correct way just so they don't offend somebody. Those people that think like that are giving the terrorists, muslims, arabs, insurgents, whoever else they may be EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT mad.gif

But hey, this is America right! Home of the Free and Brave . Let's take a look at this for a moment. The Brave would be the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen who fight on the front lines.

The free would be Mr. Terrorist who came to America from the Mid-East because he knows that he will be able to get away with everything. He knows he can take a picture of that bridge in NY because he knows if police stop him, he will cry "Profiling" therefore he will not even get arrested. Yepper, people like....well you know who in here.....will vote or do whatever they have to do to give them that right because this is America.

Tell you what people, the Liberals and the few other groups are going to get us all killed. But hey, just don't offend anybody alright smirk.gif

Oh geez, was I babbling too grin.gif, must be going around grin.gif

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Re: What the terrorists want?


There are alot of politicians out there who are still getting there way based on the 9-11 scare.

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9/11 in Congress is nothing more than a political tool to be invoked whenever the democrats oppose something that the republicans support. Watch debates on C-Span, virtually every republican legislator will invoke the date 9/11 as a way to make themselves sound patriotic and that they have the countries best interests in mind. Not every issue is tied to 9/11 and it is disgusting to hear it invoked as a way to advance a political agenda.

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