Keeping the bow quiet


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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

A bow that is not tuned to it's specs will always be louder than a properly tuned bow. Has you bow been tuned lately? Is the bow cam/cams timed properly. Is the string old?

Have you checked your sight, quiver, stabalizer, and anything else bolted to the bow to make sure nothing is loose?

Are you shooting an arrow that is too light? Minimum arrow weight should be no less than 5 grains per pound of draw weight.

Are you getting vane contact on release?

Those are just some of the more common problem that come to mind when reading your post. Hope it gives you a starting point finding your noise.

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

It may take a trip to your local pro shop to quiet it down. There they will be able to look at the bow and see what the cause could be. Without knowing all the specifics on your bow its hard to say what you are missing or what is making it loud.

I'd try your local pro shop, someone there should easily be able to find your noise cause. Good luck!

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

Are you shooting arrows heavy enough for your draw weight? If not you can get alot of vibration because the power of the bow transfers to the limbs instead of the arrow.

On my old bow I used the yarn string silencers and a buddy of mine said my bow was the quietest bow he had ever seen.

Also try a vibration dampening stabilizer. I think SVL, the makers of the Limb Saver makes a pretty good one. I checked my archery catalog from Bass Pro Shops and they offer about 20 diferent stabilizers with vibration dampening ability that range between $13 and $50.

Finally, make sure all of your screws and bolts are tight. One loose screw can make ALOT of racket. One of the screws that held my quiver was loose and it sounded like my bow was falling apart everytime I shot it.

Hope this helps....

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

Deffinately take it to you pro shop you dont need any accidents happening cause soemthing isnt right on the bow they will be able to spot it or tell you what you need to know rather quickly. Usually doesnt cost anything if you already have a relationship set up with the staff there.

Good luck!

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

One other thing to consider.....If you're using a drop-away rest it may be the cause of the noise......I've tested several that were noisy and it couldn't be stopped......the other thing that happens quite often is that your stabilizer will start out tight, but after a few shots it gets loose and the bow gets loud.

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet

there are so many things that can make noise on your bow .. here are ways to cure these problems.. making sure all the bolts are tight .

also a quiver on the bow can make a lot of noise , a limbsaver on it or just taking it off when you shoot can cure this.. some quivers are worn out where the broadheads stick in allowing the arrows to rattle against each other.., you can get this replaced ...

adding weight to the bow will deaden is sound.. reducing draw weight and shooting a heavier arrow will also make it less noisey...

the kind of stabilizer you use will make a huge differance , also the length of it and how heavy it is..

adding limb savers is a good way to go . make sure you clean the surface with a little alcohol first to prep the area to be glued...

finally when all else fails let a buddy listen to it .. indoors they sound pretty loud, but outside they dont sound as bad.. a friend can hear what it sounds like better than you..

as for the drop aways making noise , i dont understand how they do this ? my TT is absolutely noiseless when drawing or letting down..

if all else fails you can take it to a Pro shop and have them look it over , you might have a cracked limb , or a loose axle in the cam.. although these are very doubtfull ...

i use a Simms 2000 Enhancer on my bow and then a 11.9 inch Bomar stabilizer .. yes its a little heavy , but it sure makes any bow i shoot very quiet..

Shoot Strong


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Guest coop2564

Re: Keeping the bow quiet

Did it use to be quite? If so check your string and cable. Mine got really loud right before the string broke. Several strands had broke under the serving and the string was stretching. The cams were over rotating making the loud noise. If your string or cable is not right it will make a lot of noise. I had a pro shop put a new string on a bow that they were out of factory strings so they made one. You needed ear plugs to shoot it and it vibrated bad. We took it off and it measured 1/2 longer than specs. Next he built was right and much quieter.

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Re: Keeping the bow quiet


Is the bow loud from you hearing it or a by-stander? I've thought my bow was loud and a buddy said it was quiet. Maybe when we shoot our bows, we hear alot more?

[/ QUOTE ]i thought my mathews was loud until i had my father-in-law shoot it. turned out it was just me. you may want someone else to shoot it just to see.

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