You ever been just flat ON..


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Since my back won't let me shoot everyday, I've been practicing my yardage estimation.

Last night, after putting up my trail cam, I practiced for about 30 minutes while walking back to my house.

I'd wager I ranged about 75-100 distances between 25 and 60 yards. I'm happy when I get within 2 yards of the correct yardage.

Anyway, I missed 5 estimations!!!

Granted a couple of times when my guess was three yards off, I just hit the button a couple of times and it dropped a yard, but for the most part I was "On like Donkey Kong".

Now, I couldn't be in the zone like this while shooting a tournament...No, only when practicing...grin.gif

All in all, I'll be feeling pretty confident at the next shoot. At least until after the first yardage estimation...grin.gif

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Re: You ever been just flat ON..

yes Kevin i have had that happen twice this year , once in Fremont Neb and our little shoot in Oklahoma.. grin.gif well except maybe that raptor , but for the most part it was on...

i dont know why but my yardage was just on .. when that happens for me then its just a matter of making a good shot . as my confidence builds then it gets easier and easier ..

sure wish i knew what makes that happen..

Shoot Strong


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Re: You ever been just flat ON..

I've had that happen a few times this year alone. One was last weekend and I walked off the course tied for 1st. I never understand why I can be so on one week, then faulter the next only to be on again for quite some time after that.

I won't question it, but I hope it continues this weekend.....I have 2 tournaments this weekend.

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Re: You ever been just flat ON..

Most of my buddies that shoot with me, say that their scores get worse towards the end of the tournament. But I'm opposite. It may be because I don't tire out as quick as them, but I believe it has to do with my yardage estimating. I always find myself making an adjustment somewhere during the tournament. If I start off and I'm consistenly over judging the yardage, I'll begin mentally subtracting yardage and vice versa.

I also seem to shoot better once I get a few of the longer yardage targets under my belt. It gives me a mental image of a certain distance and as the course goes on, I'm able to just glance at some targets and say, "Hey, that's 36."

Sound crazy or familar???grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: You ever been just flat ON..

its the same for me , i get stronger towards the end .. i sometimes start off kind of slow, but i know that somewhere during the shoot i will get a streak going..

but i have shot some shoots where im just lost and have no idea what im doing.. the shot execution is always there . its just getting the range for me...

Shoot Strong


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