had a peta experience today

Guest andymansavage

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Guest andymansavage

Today the boss and I had lunch at the world's first KFC located in midvale, utah. As we left I noticed a bunch of protesters, some in chicken costumes, and some carrying dead chicken posters. When we went to leave, a red stoplight put us right next to said idiot cluster. One guy holding a picture of a dead bird motioned me to roll down my window and I happily obliged. "pretty gruesome eh?" he said as he sorrowfully gazed at the rotting rooster. "Not really dude, it's just a bird" I replied much to his dismay. "besides," I added, "don't you guys torture and kill dogs and then leave them in mall dumpsters?"

"you should go to our website to leard the other side" he snapped, looking upset.

"So did you not kill those dogs after adopting them from shelters?" I inquired.

"yes they were euthanized" he said

"so........" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"well......the humane society does it too" were his words as my light turned green.

"good rationale bro" I said as I pulled away, once again having my beliefs confirmed that these freaks aren't all there in the head and being greatfull for the ability to think clearly and make judgments based on fact, not emotions.


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Re: had a peta experience today

I have too short a temper for those folks. They just drive me crazy. I do envy them though. They have so much free time that they can just stand around and complain all day. No worries about bills, jobs, kids, the future, or things that normal people worry about. I do envy them.

Man, what a life.

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Re: had a peta experience today

They are a group that makes me very mad. The worst was when they came to the schools dressed as cows telling kids(young kids) not to drink milk for various reasons.

I would dream of an opportunity like you had. You handled it very well man. I don't know if I could keep my cool like that.

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Re: had a peta experience today


Remember this....

You can NEVER tell a stupid person that they're stupid.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can...but they would just not recognize that you got smart with them. grin.gif

Andy, When the guy said "Pretty gruesome eh"...I would have said: "Yeah...Sure is...I like mine Extra Crispy with double mashed" cool.gifwink.gif

You did Good wink.gif

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