Norm Sauceman one great guy


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I don't know the man very well, but read about his painful story and wanted to let him know I am praying for him. So, I got his number and thought I'd give him a call and let him know I'm also praying for him. Talked to him for about 10 minutes. He sure does sound like he's in a lot of pain. One heck of a man that can go through that much pain and keep a great attitude going. I believe I made a new friend.

Prayers go out to him from Southern Indiana.


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Re: Norm Sauceman one great guy

casey Norm is a wonderful man...i've known him for around 4 years and he never thinks of himself only others....can't find a better person than he. and yes no one knows the pain he's going thru... he is a very pain tolerant person that never says quit no matter the pain level.... it's just the type of person he is ...

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Re: Norm Sauceman one great guy

Yep, Norm's the man. I'm betting that the DHNA is hurting a little now fellas, so if you're considering a charitable contribution soon, you might want to think of Norm and the DHNA.

Norm worked hard a couple years ago for the DHNA to be tax exempt, so if you think about it.

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