Cindy Sheehan’s agenda


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Preface: Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq and has been demanding a second visit with the President to tell him she’s fed up with all this Iraq war stuff and to pull the troops out now.

Mrs. Sheehan has done a “John Kerry” on this one. Seems her first visit with the President revealed her complete support for the President, the troops and what he was trying to accomplish.

Fast forward to today…or yesterday in this case.

Yesterday, President Bush came out and acknowledged Cindy Sheehan and said that he wasn't going to pull the troops out of Iraq.

This is good news for Iraq – bad news for us. Bad news? Yes - this will not stop the media whoring Mrs. Sheehan from maintaining her vigil outside Bush's ranch nor will it stop the media from giving her an extra 15 minutes of fame.

The good news in all of this is that Cindy’s been busted by her family who released this statement to the press yesterday.

"The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins."

Looks like what's really going on here is that Cindy Sheehan has a few screws loose and her family knows it. Perhaps that would explain the complete 180 she did from last year, when she was praising President Bush, to this year, when she was bashing him.

Obviously she has an agenda - is it a political office? Maybe, or just plain ole medai whoring at it's best - probably get a book deal out of the whole thing.

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Re: Cindy Sheehan’s agenda

Maybe her agenda is that her son was killed and she is pissed, maybe her agenda is for a media stunt. It certainly didn't start out that way until the media started making big news about it and other people started showing up. I heard a little blurb last night about some other family members speaking out against her actions but I didn't hang around long enough to hear the whole story. I do think however that we should refrain from calling her names considering what she has been through, people deal with grief in many different ways, and most people that do meet the president are more likely to be nice and cordial just for the "awe" of the moment, heck, I'd be smiling too if I had an opportunity to meet the president, even if I can't stand him, it's just the awe factor that is in play. Like when I met Bob Dole a few months ago, my ideaology doesn't match his anymore, but when he ran for president it did, and I supported him, but regardless of partisanship, it was still an honor to meet him, he's a great American.

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Re: Cindy Sheehan’s agenda

Not having experienced the death of my own children in that fashion or any other for that matter, I will withhold calling her any names.

Having said that, I believe she has caused herself (and the sacrifice that her son made) a great dishonor by allowing herself to be used by others(i.e. the media and the organizations like Move On, and others) like she has.

Her son obviously wanted to serve his country or he wouldn't have joined the military, with that service comes the possibility that you may have to put yourself in harm's way and make the ultimate sacrifice. I pray that the Lord gives her the strength to deal with her grief in a more appropriate manner.

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Re: Cindy Sheehan’s agenda

How do you think she got out of the woodwork. She's one of the biggest stories on Moores websigt. She is obviously a very grief stricken mother who has fixated on her sons' death and is trying to place blame rather than searching for closier and respecting the obvious desires of her son.

Michel Moore's media machine has taken her tragity and successfully distorted & perverted it to it's fullest potential.

Left wing

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