Cell phone in the woods?


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Re: Cell phone in the woods?

Yes I bring mine out too but most of the areas I hunt have little to no reception unless you jump in the truck and drive somewhere.

I try not to hunt alone in those cases.

On my property its not an issue.

Except when you forget to turn it off and the wife calls ya at last light to ask when I will be home and if she should start dinner or not.

Not good.

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Re: Cell phone in the woods?

Unfortunately everywhere I hunt I can't get a signal so no I don't carry mine with me. We do use Motorola radios at our hunting club so we can call for help and check in with each other at the end of a hunt. Radios are real handy too for using the buddy system when you need some help dragging. grin.gif

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Guest TheDeerHunter

Re: Cell phone in the woods?

I take my cell phone with me when I go hunting but it is always on vibrate! I hunt by myself and if I would ever need help. Or if I would get a big buck and need some help gettin him out!

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Re: Cell phone in the woods?

I carry mine into the woods, of course on vibrate mode. My cell phone has a GPS built into it according to the salesman and if I ever get lost or have problems and my family can't locate me, as long as its turned "on" they can pinpoint where I am at. I like the peace of mind. I use to not like them but when it comes to safety, whats not to like?


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Re: Cell phone in the woods?

Yes i carry a cell phone with me,,, you can buy those pay as you go phones at walmart, so that way your not having to pay a regular monthly cell phone bill..... put like $20 on the phone and that'll get you 20 or so minutes , just an example, but you can always put more minutes on it,,,,, i've had mine since the season started and only used it once, to call the wife and tell her i was running late so she wouldnt worry .... Great investment .... beats paying a monthly cell phone charge,,, plus i get the entire east coast in my calling area ..... grin.gif

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