Do you shoot: II?


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So here is a pic of a buck from my lease. It is the same buck I took a pic of the first night out... he was feeding under the same apple tree tonight. My comment last time was, "don't let him fool you."

So my question is- Where you hunt, do you shoot him, or not? I guarantee, this buck will walk past me this year... although the wife says she would take him confused.gif.



I think he is either 2 or 3 and will offer plenty of potential in another year or two. So let's hear your thoughts!

Shoot or walk?

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Re: Do you shoot: II?

It depends, am I guranteed that I will be on that lease next year? If there is a posibility that I won't be on it, he's going down. How many buck tags do I have? Where I hunt, you can take a few bucks. How many others are hunting the lease? What are the lease rules on buck sizes? If its public land hes in the freezer.

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Re: Do you shoot: II?

I kind of figured many of the "EAST COAST" boys would say he was a shooter. And if it were my first archery buck, I would probably take him, too. I must say, FINN, you suprise me, I'd have thought you would hold out for an IL giant! grin.gif

But as you all are aware. I have seen several bigger buck on the lease. Can I guarantee he will make it through the season and be one of those "bigger" bucks next year? Of course not, but I will take that chance.

I am still saying this deer is between 2-3 and offers awesome potential.

Now if I can just hide him from the wife all year confused.gif

The lease is only 140 acres (only... trust me, I am not complaining). I am the only person on the lease, and of course Mrs Billygoat... so there won't be much hunting pressure. Since the land is in Wisconsin's herd reduction zone, we could actually shoot as many buck/doe's as we want, but most likely we will take 3-5 does off the property and 2-3 buck.

Any other thoughts? How about those southern boys, tezan's (since they are their own country), and the flatlanders? confused.gif

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Re: Do you shoot: II?

Hey Goat,

I know...I'm ashamed. blush.gif

May change my response once I start getting pictures from my new Leaf River to see what's around.

I hunt in Price, County WI on my Dad's land.

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Re: Do you shoot: II?


So here is a pic of a buck from my lease. It is the same buck I took a pic of the first night out... he was feeding under the same apple tree tonight. My comment last time was, "don't let him fool you."

So my question is- Where you hunt, do you shoot him, or not? I guarantee, this buck will walk past me this year... although the wife says she would take him confused.gif.



I think he is either 2 or 3 and will offer plenty of potential in another year or two. So let's hear your thoughts!

Shoot or walk?

[/ QUOTE ]

i hate to ask this but are you sure its the same buck ?

this buck is a definately a non shooter . he will barely make P&Y . but the one in the first post had bigger brow tines and more mass.. i said the first one was a shooter , but if its the same buck the pic fooled me bad.. plus you said the one in the first pic is a 10 point. this buck here looks only like an 8 point ..

i believe you must pass on him to let him get another year or 2 growing in...

Shoot Strong


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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Do you shoot: II?

i would have to shoot would be nice to let him grow a few years but where i live we have a lot of hunters and i know he would not last if he goes onto another property.

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Re: Do you shoot: II?

That is definitely a fine looking animal, based on my hunting objectives, opportunities, and location, I would let him walk, but there are many places in Texas where that buck would be venison.

I think he is closer to 4yo.. he has a pot belly going on there. At least in my experience in looking at whitetails (perhaps a Texas thing too) he seems to show signs of maturity. Texas deer may just be leaner too though

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