Guest Roadkill10

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I went down there for about 5-7 year's in a row, while I was in college and then after college before I got married,for opening weekend. There were never many people camped there, maybe 8 or 10 camps with 2-3 hunters each. I never walked up on anyone, or had anyone walk up on me. With 20,000 + acres there is plenty of room to find a spot. The terrain is pretty varied also. Lot's of hardwood's and creek bottoms on the west side with several big persimmon patches, and the east side tends to have more mature pine tree's. If you go there, you'll love it. I wish I lived closer, I would hunt there a lot more.


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I got some topo maps of the area but I'm needing a complete map. I've left a message with Benny Farrar and he's supposed to get back with me later today.

It looks like some prime hunting up there.

From here, I'd have to hit Indian Nation and exit at Mcalester. Drive straight through and turn off somewhere past Lake Eufala.

You wouldn't happen to know if there are signs pointing the way? Should be.

Mike, I'm getting itchy right now. Might have to make the trip up September 3. I've got shoots the next two weekends so if you're free, maybe we can run up there then.

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Probably 15 minutes if you could go straight through, but in order to get to the entrance where we'll be camping, probably less than an hour.

It's just north of Wilburton.

Benny just called me back and verified that they would be open that weekend. He gave me a little background of the area and answered a couple of questions.

The campground site has water and an outhouse. It's normally not crowded. James Collins has over 200 working gas wells. He can furnish us a map of the main roads, but the most popular hunting spots are down the hundreds of gas roads.

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Guest Roadkill10


Thats labor day weekend!

I also put in for vaction for the 11th and 12th ,

should be good for thursday - sunday!

Hsog, This should make your trip alot shorter!

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The best way to get there is to take Highway 31 East out of Mcalester and through Krebs. I think it's about 20 miles outside of Krebs where there is a big sign on the south side of 31 that show's you where to turn. On a side note, if you get hungry for some good Italian food, Pete's Place in Krebs is awfully good!

For map's, you should go to the ODWC home page at wildlifedepartment.com and use their digital wildlife management area atlas. It's got good aerial and contour data, and it allows you to print a hard copy or make a .pdf out of the map.


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Yeah, I used the wildlife departments atlas to get the topomaps. It's impossible to get the whole area on one map though,

Benny said to take 31 to Featherston and we should see a sign.

Mike, I ain't got plans for labor day weekend yet. My wife's best friend lives outside Soper. If I can convince her to go visit them, I can head up there that Saturday. You???

Well, at least we won't have to eat our own cooking one night....grin.gif

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James collins sounds good to me. I should be able to make that for sure.

MCH, Hollar at me when you get ready to go scout the place and maybe I can meet ya'll down there, I am also off every weekend also and I'm just itching to get out in the woods.

I looked at the map and it doesn't seem to be too hard to get to. If your coming through McAlester you can take HWY 31 straight to the turn off, at Featherston, to get to the entrance.

The topo looks pretty good to me.

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Change of plans Mike.

I think I might set up camp at James Collins on the 3rd. Trying to talk my wife into it. If I can get someone to watch my daughter....my wife, son, and I will probably stay the night.

I've already located a few saddles and fingers that look like good spots. I just need to find out what kind of timber its in, if it's still standing, and how accessible it is.

I've got a makeshift topomap that I'll be bringing with me.

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are you talking about he honabe land the tree service has about 100.000 acres i have a permit to hunt there but there are a lot of people down there each year and you have to be established and have been there as you don;t want to get into someones camp for that time. they got people been hunting there since they were big enough to wal;k

a grea tplace though and a bunch of deer there and each year they bring out some big critters from deer to pigs and turkey

rob k

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Always room Rob.

This will be our second one. Last year was at Three Rivers down here in McCurtain County. We had a blast!

Ryan(huntin'sonovagun) shot a nice eight pointer and Mike(roadkill10) dropped his weenie in the fire...grin.gif

This year we're going to James Collins. 20 miles north of McAlester on November 11th thru 14th.

Load up and come on down.

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I've hunted Honobia a lot, rob. It's not quite that bad. It looks that way if you go during rifle or muzzleloader, but during bow season, its fairly empty.

From experience, Three Rivers is normally more crowded than Honobia and it has 450,000 acres. My family has a campsite up there and they stay from October until December. But if you go up there in early November, there's campsites everywhere.

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