Comments from non deer hunters....


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Guest INHunterman

Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

I haven't had any negative comment from anyone at my school but maybe that's because only a few people know I hunt.

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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

What these people need to Understand is:that at this point in Devolopment and land destruction that you may be actually saving there life.If it wasnt from the hunters managing down the herds for reasons of keeping down diseases,thinning out areas where there alot of road accidents caused by deer crossing,e.t.c .I just wonder if they could imagine what there insurance cost would be if there wasn't any hunting.The thing about those that have never been out in the outdoors just dont understand that they have been missing out on about the only thing in this World that makes sense.


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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

In my part of Michigan, if you don't hunt, chances are you at least know someone who does, so I've never had that problem. Just last week while working with one of my co-workers we ended up talking about hunting for about an hour and a half, he used to live in Utah and spent a lot of time hunting in places like Montana.

Never had the problem at school either, when I took my second 10 point I took the rack to all my college classes one day, there was only a handfull of people I wanted to show it to, but I didn't know when I'd see them so I carried it all day, a lot of people saw it. Some of them made comments like that, but they made them jokingly, which I have no problem with.

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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

Where I used to live I also have heard every comment by non hunters.

However I was able to make a few understand that hunting is more than making a kill. Some would notlisten but I got themto stop being a samrty pants with my replies back to them.

"How can you kill Bambi?" was their favorite reply was always "With a Gun or a Bow"

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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

I'm surprised that so many people here have not encountered some of these uninformed comments by non-hunters. I used to hear that kind of crap all the time when I was working. Of course, I worked in a rather large corporation that was based around a quite large city. That kind of combination probably holds more bunny-hugger types than some of the more rural areas. Don't get me wrong, it was not the whole population that I worked with that were making those kinds of comments. But, whenever you have that many people congregated in one place, a certain percentage have to be jerks. Since retiring, I have not heard any of that garbage, but that's probably because I can now pick and choose who I want to be associating with.

One thing I have learned is that when people go out of their way to make those kinds of comments, they are usually looking to get a reaction. Generally they are already confirmed anti-hunters and as such, there is no amount of debate that will put even a dent in their opinions.


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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

I live and work in a pretty rural community where hunting is a fact and tradition. I don't get heat from anyone. If anything, I get "get your deer yet?" questions all the time. It's not unusual at all to see kids walking the halls with pictures and even the racks of the deer they shot the week before.

Some kids even go so far as to chuck road kill up in the bed of their truck (if it's cold enough) to butcher when school lets out.

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Re: Comments from non deer hunters....

For those of you who don't know, sluggunner and I used to work together. No offense buddy, but I'm glad I'm out of there--I'd probably go off on some of those people.

Where I work now, i've gotten a coupld good-natured ribbings about hunting, but nothing that was intended to be an insult.

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