Will trade for cheap archery hog hunt


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I'm interested in doing a cheap (aka free) archery hog hunt next year. Something short like 2 or 3 days where I don't have to burn a bunch of vacation time. I've read on the forum where some members consider them destructive pests and want them gone. I'm here to help! grin.gif

In exchange I am able to offer some good deer hunting in southern Indiana. We have quality midwest bucks on quality private and public ground. (Don't tell anyone else that we have good bucks, I'll deny it wink.gif). I could in no way guarantee a kill or even a sighting of a big buck, but the chance is there. In the same way I'm not expecting a guaranteed hog, just the chance.

I could sleep in a motel, a tent, or my truck. You could do the same here, or you can sleep on my couch if I can convince my wife that you're not an axe murderer. grin.gif

If you have something other than a hog hunt I might still be interested. Tell me what you have.

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Re: Will trade for cheap archery hog hunt

A nonresident deer license this year is $120.75. I don't know if it will increase for next year or not. 2006 dates will probably be: early archery from October 1st through probably November 26th, and late archery will probably be from December 2nd through either December 31st or January 7th. Shotgun will probably be November 11th through November 26th. Muzzleloader will probably be December 2nd through December 17th.

More info on seasons and licenses can be found here: IDNR

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