Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

If I may interupt the bidding for a moment...

I really have been reluctant to post on this subject for fear of appearing opportunistic. I sometimes am annoyed when people join a forum, and their first post is to plug their organization, but after discussing this with Scott and at his request, I am going to suggest an idea.

First, I would like to praise Scott and Steve for this awesome hunt for Norm. Like many of you, I cannot make a bid even though I dream of being able to go on a hunt like this and knowing that my contribution helped another. I’ll keep dreaming.

But … there is already something in place where those that want to help Norm can if everyone is willing. This situation is what Hunters Helping Hunters is all about! Hunters taking care of their own.

I guess many of the forum members are not clear that HHH, Inc. was set up to offset medical costs so people would not have to sell possessions or give up time in the field because they can no longer afford it. It started with the members of the NAHC forum, who would post about having to drop out as their wife had cancer and the bills were pilling up or they did not have money to buy a headstone after losing a child. Just like this forum, the NAHC forum members rallied to help them by posting a “tin cup” thread and sent money to a particular member who would post a running tally (check number and amount only) and forward the money to the recipient after a certain amount of time had passed. We decided to make this idea open to all hunters by organizing a non-profit corporation thereby making the contribution tax deductible.

Here’s the deal. Potential recipients have to request through an application process and there has to be a steady stream of funds incoming to have enough funds to pay the medical bills and/or funeral costs. We do not send funds to the recipients, rather pay the creditor directly. Often, we can negotiate with the creditor to reduce the amount owed if we pay within a certain amount of time thereby saving precious donated dollars for future requests. Everything is confidential so no one has to even know that the recipient received assistance from HHH, Inc., but in this case, we know Norm’s situation.

HHH, Inc is ready and willing. If this is not the avenue for assisting Norm, that is ok. You RT forum members are keeping up the image of hunters being generous which makes me proud to be involved with RT. I just did not want to appear opportunistic. I also did not want to miss an opportunity because of a lack of awareness of what is already in place to help each other.

So, I offer the assistance of HHH, Inc. (if Norm is willing) and trust the RT forum members will come through for Norm (or for any RT forum member) no matter what avenue of assistance is utilized.

Please excuse the interruption in the bidding and God bless each one of you for caring so much.

Thank you

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

sniff sniff , wink.gif i guess im out , my max was 900.. wink.gif i kind of figured i didnt have a shot , but what the heck.... nothing ventured nothing gained..

good hunting to who ever finally gets it and its for a heck of a good guy to.. i will make a donation to the winning bid for Norm..

i guess i will have to just hunt them big whitetails in Iowa this year ... grin.gif

Shoot Strong


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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

time to spice this up a bit, so everyone will reach a bit deeper into their wallets.... lol.

september 15 (roughly) starts the rut. over about october 5. now, with my call and decoy, the old "spot & stalk" method of hunting can be in full swing. these bucks simply go crazy and charge the decoy. it's lots of fun. anyway, this will be an option for those not wanting to wait in a blind over a waterhole. while i prefer the waterhole, (you know... naps, donuts, lots of bs, etc.), we know how to entice the bucks to us in other ways. in short, lots of fun.

so, next bid....????

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

I, and I'm sure Norm appreciates beyond words the financial help you are giving him.

If I had the money or the hankering to hunt antelope I would be one of the bidders.

The way I read the regs. for WY, the tag draw date is 7-3-05, and the results of the draw are published 7-10-05. However the application dates for antelope tags is 1-01-05 to 3-15-05.

Even the left over tags show an application date of 7-10-05 to 7-20-05 with the draw date being 7-31-05 and the results to be shown 8-7-05.

Doesn't this mean that the hunt will have to be next year and not this coming season?

If this question were answered maybe the bids will pick up.

Thanks again Steve.

Come on guys...most of these antelope hunts go for $1700. and upward. I am only sorry that I cannot bid.


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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman


the tag draw date is 7-3-05, and the results of the draw are published 7-10-05. However the application dates for antelope tags is 1-01-05 to 3-15-05. Doesn't this mean that the hunt will have to be next year and not this coming season?....popgun

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They said these are Landowner tags and therefore not subject to the draw process or deadlines. Thus they can be obtained on a first come first serve basis regardless of date.

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

the left over tags are indeed sold first come, first served. last year, in the gillette area, about 1000 tags were left unsold after the season ended. point is, this hunt is for this year or next, with a miniscule chance that all the tags will sell out this year. landowner tags are available, but only for those that own the land. they must be used only by landowners, and cannot be transferred. steve

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman

I've been watching this auction and I'm still very interested. I'm at the point where I'm waiting on my buddy to deside if he's up for it (checking with his wife). And I also need to find out about my vacation at work....need to see if I can change it for next month.

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Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman


I've been watching this auction and I'm still very interested.

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Me too and there's 10 days or so for me to scratch my head about it. One way or another Norm will get some $ committed to this from me. wink.gif

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