Could they be our next big enemy.....


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Alot of concerning news has came out of there in the past few weeks.

The bid for unocal (spelling?)

The buying of tons of weapons, planes, from Russia.

The military practices with russia. It had a title that involved Separatists. Whose the seperatists from china? The taiwanese.

Guys, I dont know if its just me, but I sense our relationship with china isnt getting good.

I was listening to the news yesterday, and odds are so was JohnF when i was lol, and the analyists said this is just a scheme against the US. There is even rumors that pretty soon Taiwan could be under chinas gun.

If China tries to take over Taiwan, this could be bad for the world. (I hope no WW3)

I dont know, but I guess I was a little frightened by the news last night.

If someones got any info on the exercises they did with russia, give it. I heard from both fox news and CNN that this isnt good what theyre doing.

So, I hope nothing happens, but...what do you think?

IMO, We should Stop Buying products with the Made in China saying, but how can we? Everythings made there. crazy.gif

I hope im not sounding crazy to you guys.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

China has been a threat for a long time but I doubt that anything will happen least not militaryly(sp). You think there are a lot of people dying now...wait until we go to war with China. The funny thing is that it will probably be over that little island. Who cares, let them have it. I don't think that island is worth a million lives lost....which is what it would probably turn out to wink.gif

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

If China is buying weapons and aircraft from Russia then I am not worried about them. Russia at this point couldn't launch a bottle rocket. You know whats amazing though, when Russia was Communist, people had to wait in line for hours on end to get bread or toilet paper, but they got it and they cold afford it, now that they are a "democracy" they don't have to worry about waiting in line because they can't afford the bread or toilet paper.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

I don't see them as a threat. Historicaly China is a neutral country. Their beliefs are that of if it dosnen't effect their homeland, they will stay out of it. They don't sign into alliances, they just stay nutral till they are attacked. They have different beliefs than us. Thousands of years worth of dictators and emperors... seems to have worked for them.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....


I don't see them as a threat. Historicaly China is a neutral country. Their beliefs are that of if it dosnen't effect their homeland, they will stay out of it. They don't sign into alliances, they just stay nutral till they are attacked. They have different beliefs than us. Thousands of years worth of dictators and emperors... seems to have worked for them.

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confused.gif Have you ever heard of the Korean conflict? That's the dumbest statement I've heard in awhile.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....


Sure hope nothing ever happens with China, but realistically it could and would be terrible if it did.

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Don't worry wtn - it's going happen and probably sooner than anyone expects.

China now has an army to rival any two nations - US included. The spider is always bigger than the ant but when you have a million ants - the spider easily is overrun - imagine putting a few hundred thousand US troops up against a few million chinese - doesn't look pretty does it?

Several analyst have been predicting this for years - back to the mid 90s and the precentages grow with every year that passes.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

I agree that the Chicoms would start something if they thought they could get away with it. The one thing they can't match the US on though, are WMD's. As long as we keep a strong President in the Whitehouse that will make it clear to the Chicoms that any serious threat to the US will result in their country becoming a nuclear/chemical/biological wasteland, AND as long as we make sure we have that capability, we will be safe.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....



I don't see them as a threat. Historicaly China is a neutral country. Their beliefs are that of if it dosnen't effect their homeland, they will stay out of it. They don't sign into alliances, they just stay nutral till they are attacked. They have different beliefs than us. Thousands of years worth of dictators and emperors... seems to have worked for them.

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confused.gif Have you ever heard of the Korean conflict? That's the dumbest statement I've heard in awhile.

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Why yes I have. And you bring up a good point my friend. But if you read what i said if it dosen't effect them they will stay out of things. China was affraid of the united states as a democracy boredring thir country. For Instance lets say Canada or Mexico was having a communnist revolution. I bet my life america would step in and fight it back. That or put crippleing sanctions on the nation. They nor we wouldn't want such ideals on out doorstep now would we.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....


Republican's better step up then - we have no strong candidate for 2008 which may lead the way for another Klinton to come in and really give the country another screwing....

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I kinda like all of the Rep's keeping a low profile right now. Gives Bush a chance to get more done and keeps whoever the candidate is in '08 out of the crosshairs of the media. Of course McCain is already campaigning, but I doubt if he can mobilize the base enough to win the nomination.

And Klinton? That's a tuff row to hoe (pun intended)!

She's carrying a ton of negatives that will have to be hidden, covered up, silenced, or shouted into submission, before she can get elected.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

What worries me if China does decide to invade Taiwan is that they have a major advantage in industrialization now. China is producing large exports to the US which we readily buy. We then shut down our manufacturing plants here and move them to China because the labor is so cheap. The plants here are mostly scrapped. Not only does that put Americans out of jobs, but in the event of a war gives them a major advantage. We won WWII because we could outproduce Germany in equipment, tanks, etc Granted our military is the best in the world but china has 100x the manpower in the military. We could never win a conventional war invading China and I don't want to think of the alternative.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....


We could never win a conventional war invading China and I don't want to think of the alternative.

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Nope would be stupid to think we could win a conventional war. In the event it happens that action need be taken there is only one option, like was said above just hope the man in the postion has the guts to do what it takes to get things done.

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Re: Could they be our next big enemy.....

does anyone remember that clinton gave (yea, right) nuclear technology to the chinese. and that madeline albright said we'd all be safer with china having this technology?

china would have invaded tiwan years ago, except for the fact that we have a pact with tiawan to protect them. attack tiawan, attack usa. don't think for a moment that china hasn't sold that technology, and materials, to our enemies. iran, jordan, syria. you know, the good old boys. yes, madeline, i feel safer already!

as for a war with china, forget manpower. it will be a pushbutton war, which will be good. let the world know once again just how evil those nukes are, and what they do. seems the world has forgotten.

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