OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!


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I just HAD to hop back on here to let you guys know about this... I had pumpkin duty tonight plus some other stuff so i couldn't get out tonight... Sue wanted to go tonight but because I couldn't go to she just went out to her dad's... I had told her to hunt out of the stand I shot my big archery buck last year...

Anyway got a call a little while ago... she's sitting in the stand and it's like 5:45 when she hears a noise behind her... she turns to see antlers sticking out from both sides of a tree behind her... HE'S ONLY 15 YARDS AWAY... with his head behind the tree she tries to stand up and turn around... as she gets up he takes a couple steps out... HE'S HUGE!... she tries to get her bow up but he either caught her sent or heard a noise he didn't like and takes to big bounds and stops right at 30 yards... only problem is his body is behind brush and he doesn't offer a shot as he stands there for 5 minutes looking around... and then he just quietly slipped away

I have got her to pay attention to deer body and antler size over this last year... he was a clean symetrical 10 point... 4+" G1's, 12" G2's, 10" G3's, 5" G4's... From the description main beams are around 25"... Mass wise there would have been no way to wrap your hands around the bases or even most of the antlers... spread is as wide if not wider than my 16 point... if you add it up your looking at a typical 10-pooint that would be in the 200" range...WOW... body wise he was huge... chest and neck just kinda ran together, kinda making him look like he didn't have a neck... this tells me he's at least 5.5 years old... weight wise well over 200 lbs on the hoof...

She did say that if she did get drawn on him she didn't know if she could have shot him because her legs were shaking so bad

WHAT A GREAT EXPERIENCE... he wasn't spooked, he just knew something wasn't quite right... hopefully he'll be back and she can get him...AWESOME!!

I'm paraphrasing our discussion on the phone but will have her look at this later to make sure I'm accurate... anyway I just wanted to share

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!


Thats awesome Gary, hope one of you get a crack at him, he sounds like a great buck! cool.gif

BTW, my Illinois either sex tag is still good, I can make a trip up there if you need me..... grin.gif

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me too Gary. HOMINA, HOMINA, HOMINA!!!

promise we won't bring Shawn this time. grin.gif

man, hope one of you gets a crack at him. he should be cruising around.

hope he's not one of those bucks that cruise in one day and you never see him again. that happens quite a bit it seems this time of year.

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!



Thats awesome Gary, hope one of you get a crack at him, he sounds like a great buck! cool.gif

BTW, my Illinois either sex tag is still good, I can make a trip up there if you need me..... grin.gif

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me too Gary. HOMINA, HOMINA, HOMINA!!!

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Chris, quit hording in on my....I mean Gary and Sue's 10 pointer!!!....... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Hey Gary, can you guess how many time Shawn said that word since we left Illinois? Me neither!! grin.gif

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!

I don't mean to be the negative guy, but how wide is this deer?? I took your measurements and added 40" for mass, and came up with 152, gave it a good spread of 20" and you got 172" gross, not including deducts.

Still, a 170" deer is HUGE, so I am not trying to say anything bad, just can't see how you came up with 200".

Hope you or your wife get him! Good luck.

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!




Thats awesome Gary, hope one of you get a crack at him, he sounds like a great buck! cool.gif

BTW, my Illinois either sex tag is still good, I can make a trip up there if you need me..... grin.gif

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me too Gary. HOMINA, HOMINA, HOMINA!!!

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Chris, quit hording in on my....I mean Gary and Sue's 10 pointer!!!....... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Hey Gary, can you guess how many time Shawn said that word since we left Illinois? Me neither!! grin.gif

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If my calculations are correct he's said it approximately 237,600 times since I left grin.gifgrin.gif

The buck I shot there last year wasn't near as big as this guy... however we saw my deer in that area 2-3 times before I was lucky enough to get him... we're hoping this guy does the same thing... Sue told me last night she finally figured out what the buck heard to make him spook a little... her jaw bouncing off the platform of the stand grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I'm actually going to try to keep my hands out of this one... I am cursed with being lucky and don't need to go a lifetime of hearing how I killed "her" deer... got enough grief from her last year... last years deer skirted her stand just out of range and then came in to my stand and I shot him... if it happens again I'm a gonner blush.gifgrin.gif

I'll let Sue know you guys are willing to come over and help her with "her" deer... she might misunderstand though and think that you just want to help drag it out of the woods for her grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!


I don't mean to be the negative guy, but how wide is this deer?? I took your measurements and added 40" for mass, and came up with 152, gave it a good spread of 20" and you got 172" gross, not including deducts.

Still, a 170" deer is HUGE, so I am not trying to say anything bad, just can't see how you came up with 200".

Hope you or your wife get him! Good luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your not being negative... your right!! LOL I looked at the sheet I scribbled it down on and miss added... I took 4+12+10+5+25 and got 66 which is WRONG it should have been 56... I also gave him 25 each side for mass, and that's just based on her description and how it relates to the one i have on the wall... so 56+56+25+25+20 (spread) = 182...

No matter what he'ld look good on the wall...

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Guest finnlander

Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!


Man that sounds like a brute. I have a plan (man that sounded like Kerry ). Go to your local elementary and have every sick kid sneeze on a rag. Bring it home and give it to Sue. If you were efficient she should be sick by tomorrow. smirk.gif Then the stand is all yours.

LOL... Hope to see a picture in the near future of that dude. Good Luck buddy.

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Guest finnlander

Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!

Good point Ryan, Didn't think about that. Ya, Gary what kind of gentleman would shoot a ladies deer like that. I mena heck she saw it first. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: OMG Biggest deer of my LIFE!

hoyt19 - I'm just South of you in Whiteside county... I actually hunt Carroll County most of the time...

wtnhunt - We had put the cams out at her dad's place for 3-4 weeks and only ended up with some doe pics... He has been sighted several times by some of the other hunters on that property... basically he's been in shotgun range of several of the hunters but won't come into bow range... well that is except for Sue's hunt... We're going to go hunt there tonight... taking the decoy out too... hopefully he comes by her stand and gets close enough to get whacked... I'm still trying to convince her to let me take my bow too, just in case he attacks me and I have to defend myself

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