shot a mathews!

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

well my hunting budy went out and bought a mathews switchback over the weekend well we got together on tues. evening and he let me shoot it. WOW that is one nice shooting bow. very smoth! now if I can only convince the wife I need one.... that is a long shot seeing how his out of the box was 760.00. when he ended up leaving the local archery shop, 1400 less in his pocket. my wife would never go for that! maybe I can convince her..... NOT

well in any event that is one nice bow out on the market right now.


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Re: shot a mathews!

Just tell her you won't need to buy anything else for the next five years and that in the long run you'll be saving money!!!! smile.gif

I'm glad I only have about $1000 in mine.

Dang I hope my wife don't see this post she thinks I have $400 in it. wink.gifblush.gif

What she don't know won't hurt me!!! smile.giflaugh.gif

smile.gif I LOVE MY SWITCHBACK!!!!!! smile.gif

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Re: shot a mathews!

With the way Mathews comes out with new bows, my Outback is OLD already...!

I'm waiting for the BUYBACK from Mathews!!!

Buy my old one, I'll buy a new one.

Whadda you say Mathews???

Start taking trade ins? Old Mathews bows only!

State of the art don't stay that way for long. grin.gif

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Re: shot a mathews!


With the way Mathews comes out with new bows, my Outback is OLD already...!

I'm waiting for the BUYBACK from Mathews!!!

Buy my old one, I'll buy a new one.

Whadda you say Mathews???

Start taking trade ins? Old Mathews bows only!

State of the art don't stay that way for long. grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

No joke! My q2 is old too. But it's still a Mathews regardless!

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