How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????


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Personally I have about $1000 in my Switchback, 2 dozen arrows included.

Bow---------------------$679 with tax



2 dozen Vapor 5000s-$158


String loop-------------$3

Braided Wrist Sling----$5

Broad Heads-----------$30

Labor Setting Up Bow--$12


What does everyone else have in thier bow set up for hunting??

Don't be afraid she won't see it blush.gifblush.gif

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Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????

for hunting its a little less than 1000 . for competition its over 1000 , way over !

but the nice thing about it is that i bought new stuff over a period of time . so when i get a new bow i have all new accessiories to go on it...

Shoot Strong


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Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????

I went for $1148 with tax for ,at the time, a New Outback in march 03. Bow was 565 stripped, by the time it was all set up with 2 dozen arrows,

Beman 380-16's...$1148

I got the bow for a great price, just everything else was expensive. Metro NY thru the nose.

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Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????

if i listed mine oout today and included the arrows and releases and the all i would have about 1200 in the bow and other gear. but that doesn't make a person a shooter or hunter am i right about this or not and if it is for bragging then that;s not a cool thing.

people know you don';t have to buy the best bows or or the best release but you need to buy t good equipment to go on the bow and you can be shooting with a couple of dozen arrows and not spend over 500 and for soem not even 400 dollars

they all kill you just have to be able to put he arrow in the right spot

rob k

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Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????


if i listed mine oout today and included the arrows and releases and the all i would have about 1200 in the bow and other gear. but that doesn't make a person a shooter or hunter am i right about this or not and if it is for bragging then that;s not a cool thing.

people know you don';t have to buy the best bows or or the best release but you need to buy t good equipment to go on the bow and you can be shooting with a couple of dozen arrows and not spend over 500 and for soem not even 400 dollars

they all kill you just have to be able to put he arrow in the right spot

rob k

[/ QUOTE ]

Rob, My post definately wasn't ment for bragging by any means. Just wanted to see how much differance there is in how much we all spend on bow hunting and equipment. I hunted for years without having $125 in my whole setup and killed plenty of deer. You are right it is all about shot placement. Although a good bow and set up does help no matter what the price.

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Re: How Much $$ on Bow Set Up?????

My custom CheckMate recurve, that is still in the works, is costing me $460.

Custom made side quiver and arm guard.=$45

2 dozen GT Trad 5575 bare shafts.=$80

Sheild Cut feathers for shafts.=$40

2 dozen relflective wraps.=$13

6 Magnus Snuffer 125g heads.=$25

New shooting gloves.=$15 (x2)


However I do not have this bow yet so I am using a long bow I traded my ML for.

That was an easy even $400 trade....

(I may of gotten the better end of that deal really..LOL)

So if you add that in then I got about a $1000 into my hunting set ups.

BTW I also bought 2 other bows. 1 for $185 and one for $115.

But I won't count those in. LOL

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