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Well I posted here a couple weeks ago about trying to electricute myself at work.A couple days later I started getting these funny little pains in my chest.This went on for a couple days and I finally mentioned it to my wife.Then we went to the doctor where they did some chest x-rays and an EKG on my heart.They both came back good so they started looking at my back.Turned out to be a large knot in the muscles right between my shoulder blades that came clear up around the front of my chest .I was glad to hear that at the time but ive never felt nothing that hurt this bad before, and this is coming from a guy thats cut his thumb off grin.gif

They gave me a prescription pain killer/muscle relaxer and sent me to my chiropractor.When I got there it turned out my whole shoulder blade was actually locked up in an outswung position, my arm was moving but the shoulder wasnt playing along.She popped it back in and started doing something to my ribs.Turned out theres about 10 of them outta wack as well, i didnt even know you could throw a rib outta wack confused.gifAnyway apparently Ive bruised all the muscles in between these ribs as well, it feels like ive got a terrible side ache going constantly now in my left side.

My doctor and chiropractor have informed me its gonna take a long time, probably 6 to 8 weeks to start feeling better from this because the muscles in the ribs have a limited blood flow and it slows the healing process down a bunch.When the swelling goes down thier talking about sending me to physical therapy for a couple weeks frown.gif

I gueese if the electricity doesnt kill you it just feels like it did, Im starting to wonder if thats good or not grin.gif

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I feel your pain bud.

When the docs found the tumor in my lung I was afraid they were going to go get it through my sternum again, which I really dreaded, but the surgeon explained they go through the rib cage in the back for lung surgery. crazy.gif The surgeon said "You ever seen a car jack?" and I said "yeah" and he says "well, we cut between your 5th and 6th rib and put the car jack in and seperate your ribcage....." At that point I almost passed out so I don't remember much after that. grin.gif William can back me up on that, he had the same surgery I did--it hurt for awhile. wink.gif

Maybe that electricity seized up your muscles eh?

Don't overdue it. Hope it heals up soon.

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Give Arnica Montana(often sold as just Arnica) a try.

"Arnica is mainly used for inflammation and pain of bumps, bruises and sprains. It stimulates white blood cell activity which breaks down congested blood by dispersing trapped fluids." This should reduce the recovery time for you. My mother uses it for the back problems she has had following a taboganing accident that broke her back and she swears by the stuff. I have used it for relatively minor pain and on dislocated shoulders in the past and it has helped me tremendously as well. It is sold at GNC in either a pill form or a ointment rub. (for the pills buy the blue container that looks like a chapstick tube not the white container that looks like a normal medication box. They both work but the white box uses a chalky suspension while the blue on uses sugar suspension and is easier to take.)

The ointment is fairly self explanatory...but the pills need a word of caution...Don't swallow them! crazy.gif let them disolve under your tougue. If you swallow them your body absorbs them differently and it can cause minor halucinations.

Check with your Chiropractor (or better yet an Osteopath) to make sure there will be no drug interactions with what you are already on.

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