Forum Baseball Updated Standings....LOOKY!


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Here ya go guys. Can't say I didn't warn ya...grin.gif

1. 62---MCHgrin.gif

2. 55---Buckbuster11

3. 50---DSBG

4. 41---TexasTrophies

5. 37---DogDoc

6. 35---VABuckSlayer

7. 34---Bassmaster

8. 22---Squirrelhunter91

9. 20---Mudrunner

10. 4----MikeThompson

It may be short lived, but I'm on top boys...grin.gif

If ya visit the link in the sticky post, you'll see updated scores.

Truthfully, the only thing seperating most of the top 5, is batting average.

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Re: Forum Baseball Updated Standings....LOOKY!


I got a dumb question for you. How exactly do you come up with the overall score? confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

That's easy. He simply takes the category he has the highest number in and divides it by the category he has the lowest number in. grin.gif

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Re: Forum Baseball Updated Standings....LOOKY!


Here ya go:

1st in any category is worth 18 points.

2nd 16 points

3rd 14 points

and so on until 10th which is worth 0.

If two people tie for second place then they divide 30 points (16 for 2nd, 14 for 3rd).

Then I take each persons combined score and add them together. If I haven't messed up, they should add up to 360.

Print this off if you want to figure your own score.






6-- 8

7-- 6

8-- 4

9-- 2

10-- 0

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Re: Forum Baseball Updated Standings....LOOKY!



Here ya go:

1st in any category is worth 18 points.

2nd 16 points

3rd 14 points

and so on until 10th which is worth 0.

If two people tie for second place then they divide 30 points (16 for 2nd, 14 for 3rd).

Then I take each persons combined score and add them together. If I haven't messed up, they should add up to 360.

Print this off if you want to figure your own score.






6-- 8

7-- 6

8-- 4

9-- 2

10-- 0

[/ QUOTE ]

Then all he has to do is add 15 to his score and subtract 20 from bb11's score and he's done. And you wonder how he's in first place. wink.gifcrazy.gifgrin.gif

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