Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

Guest northsk

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Guest northsk

If you go to the SERM site there is a list of zones with unallocated tags. I managed to grab a couple for 29 W, works out well as me and my wife already have either sex tags for that zone.

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Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

And to think that I just read in the Hunting Guide that the CWD hunt stressed hunter/landowner relations last year. I'm sure doing the same thing and offering more tags will help........yeah right. If Serm keeps making the decisions they have been making regarding our wildlife, we won't be one of the premier destinations to hunt for long.

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Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

I hear ya saskman, What they are tryign to do is kill the mule population down to were they are close to non existant, they think it will contraol the spread fo a disease that has been there since the beginning of time!!I know in my zone were I woudl see 1-150 mulies a night I am lucky to see 30-50 a night now,since all the anterless draws and extra buck tags,scarry thoughts!!Next I see them opening it up like they did speed goats a few years back, the same results will happen also,kill them all off and make up excuses that it was disease lol!!

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Guest shedhunter

Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies


If Serm keeps making the decisions they have been making regarding our wildlife, we won't be one of the premier destinations to hunt for long.

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That could very well be true and hurt our province a lot.

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Guest bear393

Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

If we don't buy the anterless tags the slaughter will stop! And from the amount of mules we are seeing down here it might be to late.

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Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

These tags are unallocated Anterless Draw tags not extra tags-the zones I hunt aren't suffering population wise for mulies. They could sure have alot more anterless tags for whitetails up north here. I think you guys have thses tags confused with CWD tags-there are unused anterless mulie tags because not many guys will go hunt just for muledeer does. I take my kids for them every year and they love it.

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Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

cory down here they have put so many anterless tags it is hurtign the population in most spots big time, the reason tere are so many tags left is they have way to amny out there to start with,I do believe the reason there are so many is CWD,becouse before the cwd threat and even before the bad winter a few years ago there was not many tags and the mule deer were thriving!!All I say is if they keep all the doe draws in the manner they are now we are in deep trouble with our mulie population in a few years! I have no problem with people gettign tags,I do myself to fill the freezer, the problem I have is the way the serm city slickers are doing the whole thing!!

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Guest BeerSlayer1

Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies


If we don't buy the anterless tags the slaughter will stop!

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That's a little bit naive! If we (Saskatchewanians) are not buying them it's only a matter of time before we see non residents and Americans filling those tags. My brother moved to B.C. five years ago and comes back for whitetail every fall. I'm sure he would like nothing better than to harvest a couple of extra mulies for the freezer.

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Guest bear393

Re: Unallocated Antlerless Mulies

I have no problem with doe tags, the kids and I have filled more than a few ourselves, if the population warrants it, but right now down here I don't think it is necessary. Maybe SERM should do a few more surveys and see what the population actually is.

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