Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks


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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks

TinkS 69 All the Way, it works so great, it doesnt hurt to put a little bit on your shoes every now and then(of course only during hunting season)

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Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for buck


first of all welcome the the forums!

I like to rattle. The only other things I really do is wear a good covescent and I place scent waffers around my blind.

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Rattling is by far the best way to go! Scents??? Well, I use something called Skunk Skreen as a cover, but I've never had much luck getting a mature buck to walk up to any of those "attractants" and take a whiff.

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Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks


I was interested in finding out what my fellow deer hunters used in the rut for attracting deer, (buck), and what was their prefered type, mock scraps, buck drips, scent bombs, granules or anything else?

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The best scents I've found out there for attracting deer are made by Steve Mohr......I use his Mega Buck and Doe-In_Heat lures alot.......using a double scent drag, one with each scent.....I've had deer...both bucks and does... follow the scent trail right up to the base of my I started circling my stand within bow range, instead of walking directly to my stand, LOL

His stuff is usually seen at Walmart and or Kmart.........I don't even use the Tink's stuff hardly anymore, because of how great Steve Mohr's stuff performs..... wink.gif

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Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks

I personally dont have much success with lures but did try this interdigital gland scent on my boots last year.

Man talk about deer tracks in my boot prints!!! In snow even!

It is of coarse a scent gland in the deers foot so its a natural smell to leave a trail with. Do that and every 20 or 30 yards drip a few drops of your fav estrous scent on the "trail". That will get a buck curious.

I never had any deer follow just an estrous scent trail.

IMHO I feel a doe will not contuinously pee while walking for 600 yards so why leave such a scent trail.

Un-natural IMO.

Use scents like deer do and your success should go way up.

I prefer to go minimal on scents and just play the wind.

I have enough doe's around to do all this scent stuff for me. LOL

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Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks

Ah but the one mistake Vt, is that deer do often have the pee or estrous scent on their hooves as well.....thus the constant scent trail as they walk....

I've had excellent experience with dragging scent...... wink.gif

Now back to the interdigital.....I've only found it once and that was several years you know who sells it, or where I could find some more ??

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Re: Need a little info on selecting lures for bucks

I had gotten mine from a Guy who who bought it in NH I think. It was called "Foggy Mountain".

I think you can get it online and he does other scents too.

It was amazing!

I hear what your saying about pee on the hooves but the trails I laid down that year were tore up in less then 2 hours and you could see how they checked them by looking at the consintration of their prints.

They stopped to check the pee but it was the interdigital scent that kept them going.

I tried 1/2 and 1/2 one time. 1 boot with tinks69 and 1 with inter. and according to how I read the prints, it was by far the interdigital they were after.

Just my 2 cents (scents) LOL

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