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So aboot a month ago, my wife comes home and says "Miss Cassie wants us to take her kitten because her new lease won't allow it." crazy.gif So I was the bad guy and said "I'm against that. We already have 2 cats."

Now, apparently between me saying no, and my wife asking me she told my oldest son he could have the kitten and it would be all his to take care of. Well when I said no, I became the bad guy with the wife and kid.

So I get a call today at lunch stating that they have these rats, errr, hamsters on sale and would I mind if she got one for Joe since we didn't get the cat.

Once again, I was against it and I told her so. After awhile I got to thinking, and I emailed the wife with my concerns but told her I'm not against it, "life's too short.....I don't care, go ahead and get it, but if it's neglected, I'm letting it go out in the field to fend for itself." All agreed, so now my son is the proud owner of a rat, err, hamster.

Secretly I'm hoping the cat gets a windfall some day. grin.gif

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Re: Hamsters

We had one for quite some time. (Even though the lady told me they dont live that long under her breath)

It happened to be my wifes bribe to my son who has been promised a dog for years it seems.

Then we got a cat recently and the hamster seemingly passed on to greener pastures one night.

So my boy is getting closer to his puppy but still not quite there.


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Re: Hamsters

In 2003, I took my son deer hunting. He had not shot a deer and if he got one it would be his first.

My son's class wanted a hamster and since he already had one, the teacher asked us to purchase one for the class which we did. My son was attached to it so the teacher asked us to care for it over the holidays.

Sunday morning, my son (9 years old) got his first deer, a 3-point. My brother-in-law was taking us to the processor in his truck. We were on cloud nine. Then we got a frantic call on the cell and it was my wife telling us to come home asap. The class hamster had escaped from its cage and she could not find it. We dropped off the deer and ended my.. er..our hunt early and made the 2 hour trip back. I could not find the critter either and my son was no longer on cloud nine. We bought a new ra...er...hamster for the class which we inherited at the end of the year.

Rats... smirk.gif

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Re: Hamsters

I had two hamsters when I was a kid, one short hair and one long hair, their names were Pee Wee and Herman. Herman was white and fluffy, one day Pee Wee decided he didn't like how white and fluffy Herman was so he attacked him, almost scratched his eyeball out, Pee Wee was mean anyway, I had to wear gloves if I picked him up for any reason because he would bite. Anyhoo, poor Herman was never the same after that, he would stay mostly hunched in a corner shaking and he would jump if you touched him, he never did get better and he was like that until he died. Pee Wee on the other hand, after the attack my mother separated them, and on one of the coldest nights on record in Florida, we're talking 1 Degree, my mother carried him across the street to the woods and let him go. There was a hole in the box where it looked like he chewed his way out but he never got that far, my mother took care of that.

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Re: Hamsters



Oh yes

Those little boogers leave jelly beans everywhere...

My youngest had one and some how it got out of it's cage...With the door standing wide open...Don't know how that happen... confused.gif Though I was told...LOL

But anyway we finally caught the little booger. My wife had these glue traps down for mice...

Yep you guessed it. The little critter got into one and let me tell you. The hair that once was on it's back side never did grow back...

Those glue traps work...

Have fun Tom...LOL... grin.gif

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Re: Hamsters


I can smell it from here............ grin.gif

You're right, life is too short and if the kids will enjoy it and the wife will be nice, then, by all means, you made the right decision. cool.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep. grin.gif

I was the bad guy recently until I changed my mind on the way to get rid of a kitten Martin and Mom started taking care of that was ditched.

I dont like cats tongue.gif

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Re: Hamsters

I had hamsters when I little and they're really decent pets for a kid to lean responsibility. The goldens particularly, are gentle and well-tempered. In my experience, the males are friendlier.

Just make sure it gets handled a lot so it gets/stays used to it--and will less likely bite anyone.

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