Winners of the 2005 Photo Contest!


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Re: Winners of the 2005 Photo Contest!

Some great pictures once again, but I think everyone is right....the real thanks go to BillKay......he does a lot of work to put these things on, and takes a little heat when things don't go as smoothly or as quickly as some would like.......

Thanks Bill for all of your let's get our butts out there and take more pitures..... wink.gif

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Re: Winners of the 2005 Photo Contest!

Big thanks to Bill for organizing and officiating the photo contest. And a big thank you to RT for hosting it AND JUDGING it. I wouldnt have wanted to be in the judges shoes.

Congratulations to the other winners and especially to all of the participants. I enjoyed seeing everyone elses outdoor world. Many of the photos were top notch.

Just a couple details about the photo I submitted.

It was photographed in Texas. I was sitting in a large clump of grass that I turned into a makeshift ground blind. about 30 minutes before sunset, I saw 2 small bucks come out. There was a small creek between me and them, They were walking along a little ridge, and were a little higher in elevation than I was, so I was actually shooting up at them. It worked out perfectly because they were outlined by the sky. The photograph was photographed in the fully-auto setting, but the key to getting the silhouette effect is to place the metering setting in the "spot meter" mode. With the camera in spot-meter, expose the scene based on the sky (eg half press the shutter button on the sky portion of the scene), this is what silhouettes your forground for you.

here is another pic of both bucks, at wide angle just a few seconds later. If you see the little green glow in the tree, that is due to lens flare from pointing the lens at the sun smirk.gif


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Re: Winners of the 2005 Photo Contest!

Sorry for my late arrival; I just got back from almost 2 weeks of holidays and didn't see the results of the contest until just now.

There were, indeed, numerous wonderful pictures and it's always so much fun to look in each day as the new entries arrive. Good job, one and all.

And, of course, I was stoked to see my entry in the winners' column. Thank you, Billkay, for your energies directed at this. It's one of the many features that cause to have the great membership that is does. So a big thanks, also, to the folks that make this whole site possible.

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