What constitutes a muzzleloading scope


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Your logic does not hold much water. Since its only 9 days, you would want a better quality scope because you might not get another chance at the buck.

Anyhoo, there really is not much difference between a shotgun scope and a rifle scope. The main difference is the low magnification on the shotgun scope and the paralax is set for a closer distance than most rifle scopes. This is not to say you can't use one on the other. I use rifle scopes for all long guns, slug guns, muzzleloaders, and rifles. As long as the eye relief is long enough to keep you from getting hit in the head by the eye piece, you are ok.

I have a Burris 3-9x40 Fullfield II on my Knight, a Redfield 4-16x44 on my Remington ML, and a Sightron SII 4-16x42 on my Savage ML.

Something that will work in that low price range would be:

Simmons 44 Mag 3-10x44

Swift 3-9x40

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