Turkey Roosts


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Re: Turkey Roosts

They don't roost in the very same tree forever, but they do roost in the same general area. A gobbler picks a certain spot to roost because he wants his morning gobbles to cover as much area as possible for the hens to hear him and come in. Ever notice when one gobbler gets harvested, another bird will use the very same area. They pick those certain roosting spots on purpose.

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Re: Turkey Roosts

In my area I find that they like to roost on ridge tops in big hardwood trees or big pines. Generally they seem to roost in the same area but my hunting area has been logged the last 2 years by 2 different farmers and it really messed up the'r roosting areas and patterns. Hopefully this fall I can track one down:-)

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Guest Blaine_Cardilli

Re: Turkey Roosts

For the past 4 years straight, the same group of trees in this one little hollow has been used for roosting. The trees are oaks and the birds have been roosting in them along a 20 yard stretch, just up off a wooded creek. Last spring some new hunters blundered in there and busted them twice in the same week, and they moved about 300 yards away. Within a month though, the same trees were being used again. My take is that that particular area is very appealing so will probably always hold birds....unless bumped too many more times.

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