Horst...my point has been made and your ? answered


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Chris, you created a thread not too long ago, asking about what terrorists want. This right here is what terrorists want. Do you get it? Have you figured it out?

Let me help. Chris, I think you get it but I don't think all the others do. When we come in here to the politics and religion room, look at all the posts that are always here concerning terrorists and Iraq. Look at all the arguments in here about Muslims, Arabs, etc. This is what terrorists want and they have received it....They have disrupted our way of life!

That's exactly what they wanted and that's exactly what they got. I was just reading the Tom Tancredo post. The Tom Tancredo post is yet another post in which we argue about terrorism and Muslims. And this is just at a small level. I mean this is only amoung the few of us in here and look at how much is has disrupted us in here so imagine what they did to the world. Just thought I would share my thoughts wink.gif

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Re: Horst...my point has been made and your ? answered

I agree 100%, and that was the whole point of my post.This country went from outraged after 9-11 back to trying be politically correct in record time.Special interest groups are crawling out of the woodwork defending the rights of the same people who pulled off the attack, the medias one sided reporting on the war in Iraq, anti gun groups using terrorism as an excuse to pass bad anti gun legislation, our own governments stepping all over our rights and practically tripping over themselves trying to protect the rights of the muslims.Its nuts, things are spinning a little farther outta control everyday, and if someone doesnt start reigning it in soon Im afraid the terrorists have already won.They cant beat us on a battlefield and they know it, but thier way ahead of our "civilized" society when it comes to these head games.

What happens in this forums just a sliver of whats going on globaly.They've gotten countries ticked off at us, people in countries like Britian ticked off at thier governments for getting involved.Theyve affected a lot more than just life in the U.S the whole worlds gotten so wrapped up in this theyve forgotten who the bad guys really are.Makes you sick to sit by and watch it but you cant do nothing but go along for the ride I guess and see where it ends crazy.gif

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Re: Horst...my point has been made and your ? answered

the truth about terrorist and whois funding them is because of a jealous rage at how we and other free countries live with a democratic type of society. they do just what was said they disrupt the normal way of life and create havoc and don't care who loses their life. this is a taught type of etiology and goes against their own creed as a muslim and they have twisted the facts of their book or what it is they believe int he scrolls of allah

that is what a terrorist is a martyr for them a murder for us.

rob k

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Re: Horst...my point has been made and your ? answ

If you haven't seen the National Geographic Channel presentation INSIDE 9-11, you need to watch it. The 2nd part will be on tomorrow night 9PM Eastern.

Tonight, their report gave a very detailed summary of how all this has come about.... it is not biased but very factual! Tells a lot about the beginnings of Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, and the Jihad.

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