contest ideas/opinions


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Re: contest ideas/opinions

I have requested the contest. My thoughts are:

[*] Teams or partners depending on how many people sign up.

[*] Scoring goes by amount harvested.

[*] You must prove the amount harvested by a picture.

[*] Any squirrel that can be taken legally in your state may be entered ( ie. red squirrels, black squirrels, white squirrels, albino squirrels, fox squirrels, grey squirrels, maybe chipmunks? )

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

Anyone that is interested in this post your name. Also any ideas you have. I think it would be best to just have it on a Saturday & Sunday. Or just Saturday if there is anywhere that does not allow Sunday hunting. My feeling is that if you run it for a couple of weeks then it is going to be won by the person(s) that have the chance to hunt most of the week. If we could get it set for a day or weekend that everyone could go then that would be best. We would also need to know what your states daily limit is. Lets hear your opinions.

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

I really don't hunt them, so ignore this comment if you see fit, but it seems to me if your state has no limit, that would be an unfair advantage to guys who have a limit.

To be fair, I'd say you'd have to go by weight or length or something like that.

Then again, like I said, I don't hunt them.

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

I think it would be awesome! Small game should have a contest like everything else. Count me in on this. I'm in NY and our season starts Sept. 1 with a 6 per day limit. You have some good ideas SquirrelHunter91. I think we could do it by teams and have like the team with the most weight or most squirrels harvested and maybe have an Individual winner for Longest Tail and heaviest squirrel. The only thing is the squirrels shouldn't be just shot and wasted, if you are going to shoot them, eat them also. Let me know if I can help.

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

Spyder, you must mean warbles, the larva that live under their skin? I've shot a few in my hunting career with warbles and I'll cut a little bit of the meat out where the larva was in the skin but otherwise they don't do much unless your squirrels get alot of them. Only once did I not keep a squirrel because it had like 5 of them on it. I think having teams and doing it on a weekend would be good. I only hunt grey squirrels though because I don't eat the reds or anything.

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

Yep Turkeygirl, we call 'em wolves down here, not sure why! confused.gifcrazy.gif Almost all the squirrels have them here until first frost, and they usually have a few on them. I just can't bring myself to eat a squirrel that has them, so it don't hunt them at the beginning of season. Last year i shot one that had like 6 knots on it, and it had a big on right on it's chin. It was so big i don't know how it could eat. I had never seen what they actually looked like, so i pressed my knife blade behind the knot, and a short, black worm as big around as my finger popped out. I about puked! If there is one thing i am squeamish about, it is parasites living on other animals. I couldn't live like that!At least people don't get them!

P.S. Does anyone know what kind of insect the larvae becomes???

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Re: contest ideas/opinions

A few weeks ago, I was skinning a chipmunk and found what I though to be his wee-wee.. grin.gif, but as I was skinning it, the thing started moving and squirming across the skinning board. I stared at it for a second and then cut it in half with the razor blade. I then figured it was just a parasite and no big deal. Now I know what it is. Warbles.

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