Pa. Turkey 2006

Guest pa_bowhunter38

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Re: Pa. Turkey 2006

Only thing the game comm is worried about these days is $$$$$$$$$$. They still think handing out all these doe tags is a good thing, and this 2nd turkey tag is rediculous to say the least. There was an article in today"s (monday) Harrisburg Patriot news that they are trying to get a license increase that would take the general hunting license from 20$ up to 30$, and plus all the other tags thats alot of money each year for a hunting license. And people are complaining about 30 bucks for a years worth of fishing, atleast they dont make you get a fly fishing tag, or spinning rod tag, or specific fish tags and charge for them.

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Re: Pa. Turkey 2006


Only thing the game comm is worried about these days is $$$$$$$$$$.

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I'm from NY and when I had a PA Regs book sent to me from a PA resident, I was extremely surprised at the amount of ads and how much the regs book resembled a phonebook. Seriously.. I think they're all about the money too. Non-residents are practically bent over backwards to hunt in PA with license costs alone... mad.gif

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Re: Pa. Turkey 2006


I for one will not be buying a second turkey tag! I understand the PGC pushing ideas for more $, but the NWTF PA chapter supported this. So my membership $ for the NWTF in some way shape of form helped get this tag pushed through and I had no say in it.

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Good thing I never sent my money to them too! Since this I will never join the NWTF! I was already to sign up too! Was going to join the Pennsylvania chapter as well!


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