deer tags


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Re: deer tags

Arcery...4 tags, 2 must be antlerless, plus 2 tags for special January season

Shotgun/rifle..State land...1 tag, either sex. Private land...2 tags. I must be antlerless

Muzzleloader...State land....1 tag, either sex...Private land. 2 tags, 1 must be antlerless.

In certain counties, which I happen to hunt, there is unlimited replacement tags on doe taken from private land.

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Re: deer tags

holy man you are gonna have a lot of deer in your freezer

i got a muley buck tag here in north dakota and can only get doe tags after that and only 1 bow tag either sex... and like 1 of every 3 years ull get a muzzle loader permit... the game and fish dept need to think of letting us get more buck tags because the deer here are way over populated...

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: deer tags

1 buck gun or bow ( you can get 1 buck on a bonus draw hunt) 2 total

2 antlerless or 1 buck 1 antlerless with bow

up to 4 bonus antlerless with gun or bow together

more tages if you put in for special park or refuge hunts.

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Re: deer tags

Got my usual either-sex shotgun tag. Will get my archery combo (1 either-sex, 1 antlerless) tag from Walmart once we get a little closer to the season. Depending on how my season goes, I might buy more archery tags. You get a max of two bucks total, all wepaons combined.

My brother has an either-sex and a separate antlerless shotgun tags. He also applied for a muzzleloader tag to use the muzzleloader he just bought. And he'll get the archery tags like I mentioned above. The boy is 19 and doesn't know what else to spend his $$$ on besides guns, hunting, and trying to buy some land. I guess that's not a bad thing. grin.gifgrin.gif

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