Box Blind #2


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Just thought I would share alittle with ya all.... wink.gif

VTBowman and I went on a scouting trip of the property last night and it went pretty well to say the least.....All kinds of Doe's and yearlings,,,,,good for me because that's my role here QDM with the Bow,,,,Bad for VTBowman he's after that Big 10 that's roaming around up there,,,unfortunately no sightings of him last night...... grin.gifgrin.gif,,too bad Shawn..LOL

If I had a better Digital camera I would have snapped a few of the great looking Doe's I have ot choose from.....

But on to the Topic,,,,,,Im sure most of you will remember Shawns post back a couple weeks ago when he showed you all the ground blinds he constructed and the nice box blind he also built and camoed,,,,,,well this is Box Blind #2 that he and I moved to this new location on the property in the early spring......we have scince dropped a few tree's for shooting lanes and is shaping up to be a prime spot for both rifle and bow........

last night to the left of this box blind we watched 4 doe's and 2 yearling for about 45min. until dark... cool.gifsmile.gif


Sorry for being so winded,,but man am I pumped for Oct. 1st......and I have 9 days of vacation alloted for the first week of Bow Season...... smile.gifsmile.gif

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