The Migration has begun!


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Re: The Migration has begun!

Squirrelhunter91 , the birds you are seeing now in NY are not migratory birds , but actually resident geese. They have been here all summer long. The reason you have not noticed them is that the little ones where growing and could not fly. Now that the weather is cool and fall crops are approaching they will begin to fly around from roost to roost, field to field. About mid morning when the air heats up, the flying and honking will cease, until very late afternoon.

Migratory geese will start through your area around late october and run through until late November. They will be in very large groups and be flying very high well out of gun range. You will see group after group past over. All through the day and even after the sun sits down.

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Re: The Migration has begun!

No. The resident geese don't typically enforce any type of territorial boundaries. Migrators will land and mingle with resident flocks. ...think live decoys. If the migrators are looking for place to stop and rest and grab a bite to eat, they'll be drawn to anywhere that other geese can be seen regardless of whether they're resident geese or not.

But, like RTF says, if they are a mile up and on a mission to get South, you can pretty much forget about getting a close up view of them.

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