chigger bites


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The other day I spent a couple of hours doing some pre-season scouting in a section of woods I frequently hunt and wound up with a mess of chigger bites on my feet and ankles. I've tried different creams and such to help the unbearable itching but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any remedies that work for chigger bites?

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Guest kunegos

Re: chigger bites

If you put some clear nail polish over the bites, it kills the chiggers and they will heal up more quickly. I figure for the suffering they cause us, suffocation is an appropriate death.

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Re: chigger bites


If you put some clear nail polish over the bites, it kills the chiggers and they will heal up more quickly. I figure for the suffering they cause us, suffocation is an appropriate death.

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An old wive's tale that I also believed up until I found out more info about them earlier this year. I've had the best luck with Chigarid that can be found in many pharmacies.

More info about chiggers

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Re: chigger bites

Sorry aeroslinger but I have to disagree with you,,,,The few times that I have had chiggers they do burry up in the skin......And they also start itching in just a few hours.....................The best ways that I have found to get rid of chiggers is to pour some bleach on a wash cloth and rub it on the bites 3 or 4 times a day............Or you can also take a lit cigarette and hold it just as close as you can to the bite for as long as you can stand it without burning yourself................I tried some of the creams and they didnt work at all,,I still itched like crazy,,,,,,,,,,,Some of the old timers told me about the bleach and the cigarettes and it sounds crazy but it actually works.......... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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