125 to 100's ?????


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Re: 125 to 100\'s ?????

WIS: If you want to switch, throw on the field tips and get to shooting... see how much change you experience and then adjust your sight... Yes you will have to move a little (at least I did), but I wouldn't get too excited over it.

Then switch back to the broadheads and start throwing them to see how much tuning you will have to do with them... Same brand, I would assume? Should experience little change???

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Re: 125 to 100\'s ?????

Honestly switching from a 125 to 100 shouldn't make much of a difference at all. You're going to gain 5 fps of speed, but I don't think you'll have to adjust your sights all that much.

I experimented this summer and shot every weight field tip from 125 down to 80. Once I got past 90 my FOC and the spine of my arrows went to crap so I ditched those ideas. However, when shooting 125 and 100's the arrows flew true and I only had to move my pins a SMIDGE.

As long as you switch to 100 grain Thunderheads you shouldn't have too much adjusting to do.

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Re: 125 to 100\'s ?????

The effect on FOC is entirely dependant on the arrows you a screwing the lighter broadheads into. On some arrows it will make hardly any difference on the flight on others it could be a disaster.

If with 125s you have an FOC close to 8% going to a lighter head is gonna cause problems.

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Re: 125 to 100\'s ?????

I made the same switch a few years back and the only adjusting I had to do is to move my sight bracket up a about 1/16 of an inch. It may also help to just put on some 125 tips to assure your at zero with them and immediately use the same arrows with 100's to see what the difference is. Then adjust. If your shooting form is on already then it should not effect how you shoot after the switch. Good luck.

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Re: 125 to 100\'s ?????

The switch will have you readjusting your sight a bit.

It just depends on how badly you want to switch vs adjusting your sights and possible retuning for broadheads.

I went from 100s to 125s my last year with a compound and loved the added MO I got out of it.

Why are you wanting to switch?

Gain of speed?

Flatter trajectory?

A switch of only 25g will not gain you much. Other then an inch or so higher on target you will not "see" a difference.

If it were me, and this close to the season, I would not.


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