How far is to far?


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I have heard many different answers to this question, and I am curious to everyone else's views. How far is to far to be shooting at a deer. I say the maximum distance is 50 yards....I have heard people answer clear up to 80 yards. 40 yards is my personal max, but if the circumstances were right I would take a 50 yarder.

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Re: How far is to far?

Funny, Yesterday I was watching Double Bull outdoors and one of the guys made a 66 yard shot on a 200 class mule deer with a 30-40 MPH winds. First thing I did was look at my stepdad and said "That guy just set the worst example possible". The guy never even mentioned that this shot was nothing short of a miracle and the average no bowhunting joe see this and says hey even I could get within 66 yards. Keep in mind that this is my favorite outdoors show. It was not Keith Beams or Brooks Johnson that made this shot. I would say 40 is absolute max for me. I prefer 30 or closer.

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Re: How far is to far?

I am very comfortable in taking a shot out to 50 yards. I practice shooting my bow at 60, 70 and even 80 yards out. By doing that, it will build up your confidence level for a 50 to 60 yard shot. But here on the ranch where I hunt your furtherest shot your going to get will be about 25 yards from your set up. In the 12 years I have been hunting here on the ranch I have taken 3 bucks at 25 yards, everything else has been from 15 yards and under...

I guess you can say I like to get close and personal with the game that I hunt...

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Re: How far is to far?


How far depends on too many things.

However..... (LOL)

1st step is to determine how far can ya shoot and hit a 2 or 3 inch circle-EVERYTIME.

2nd is determining weather conditions and wind, etc.

3rd is how stressed out is the deer before the shot.

I have taken a 47 yard shot and a small doe and nailed her. She was very calm and there was no wind. I practicerd well out to 60 yards all summer.

I also have passed up a 27 yard shot at a doe that was high strung and "knew something was up".

Its situational....


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Re: How far is to far?

I too practice 60 - 70 yard shots but I would never shoot at an animal that far. I killed one deer at 40 yds but the conditions were ideal and I fet good and very confident. I hate to hear people say that if a "booner" stepped out at 70 yds they would fling an arrow. Why ???? That is just plain stupid. What difference does the size of an animal have to do with how far you shoot????

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Re: How far is to far?

i dont know if i could see 80 yards

but i prefer 30 are closer have harvested deer from 50 once (open field) hard to get a 40 yard shot in the woods i do practice 80 for the summ,er at some of the shoots the have the last target(the money shot) everybody throws in 20 bucks and the closets gets the cash (never won) crazy.gif

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Re: How far is to far?

It all depends on your equipment set-up and your ability.

When I was younger (before 3d shoots were big) I used to watch my dad practice at 80 yards. He could consitantly keep it in a 4" circle. He was shooting an old Martin firecat. If the lazer range finder was out then...I don't think he'd had a prob. shooting that far. I personally wouldn't do it...then again, I don't practice that far.

This was back when state shoot was shooting at spot targets on bales of hay.

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Re: How far is to far?

I practice at 40 and 50 yards everytime I shoot. Things are way different on a live animal, from a treestand, in the woods. I will personally not take over a 35 yard shot, and even at that range if conditions are perfect. I would much. much rather let a good deer walk( any deer for that matter), then to make a borderline hit, and possibly not recover it.

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Re: How far is to far?

I would shoot to 50 yards if the conditions were right. If i was planning an elk or mule deer trip, I would extend my practice to be sure of shots to 70 yards. I prefer them a lot closer, less than half of that actually, but if need be I can make the shot out there.

Shooting long range is the same no matter what weapon you are using. Wind, distance, slope of the terrain, etc. all play into what has to be done. The only difference is the distance. What can be done with a bow at 70 yards plays the same as a muzzleloader shot at 200 yards, or a rifle shot at 300 yards. Its not magic, it takes practice.

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Re: How far is to far?

Well for me I am fully confident at 40 yards as I do A LOT of practicing at that distance. At 40 yards I can keep all of my arrows in an area the size of a softball, but I also have groups where all of the arrows darn near touch. HOWEVER, that shot would only be taken under the most perfect of circumstances. There would have to be little to no wind, the shot would have to be wide open out in a field or on a logging road for example, there would have to be adequate shooting light and the animal would have to have no idea I was there.

Don't worry about keeping shots in a 2" circle and what not. Last time I checked an animals vitals were just a HAIR bigger. The old law of maximum distance was where you could keep 5 arrows in an 8" pie plate CONSISTANTLY, and there is absolutely no reason that doesn't apply today. Granted we should all strive to be as proficient as possible with our weapon, but none the less an arrow high in the lungs will kill just as dead as one low wink.gif.

Finally, a lot of people fail to realize that shooting flesh is a lot different than foam. If you are spreading arrows all over the place at 30 yards on the range, what do you think will happen when a 12 point B&C class buck is walking towards you? smile.gif

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Re: How far is to far?

Oh boy did you open one up.

2 years ago I shot a 8pt 17" wide ( not a Monster)

He was at 37 yds. I put the pin on his pocket and hoped for the best. The time it took the arrow to get to him he had taken a 1/2 step, which resulted in a liver shot. I did recover him the next day after a night of no sleep. Now mind you I am shooting a mathews @ 286 fps and a 375 gn arrow. I shoot at a still target that does not move @ 65 yds. I can put 5 in a pie plate at that distance, but my target does not move.

Long story, keep them less than 20 yds.....

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