How far is to far?


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Re: How far is to far?

i practice to 50 yards when i can and i know my shot is good to 40 yards and i have confidence in that shot. but i prefer them inside of 30 yards and even better is i want a deer inside 20 but i practice to 50 andmake sure iam steady there

rob k

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Re: How far is to far?

My earn a buck required doe was a 41 yard shot for me last year. In an open field. My longest shot, also a doe in a field, was 56 yards.

I practice out to 60 yards and have the confidence in my ability to make that shot. You also have to take the opportunity if it presents itself. The compound is quite capable of doing the job. The average yardage for those who have taken the North American Grand Slam of big game animals is OVER 60 yards. Practice and confidence brings the ability to make the shot.

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: How far is to far?

I say 40 yards on a CALM animal if the animal is spooked in anyway I would say 30 or less. And it also depends on the animal A LITTLE. When hunting elk your range can be stretched a little depending on your ability. maybe 50 or so????

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Re: How far is to far?

40 is my max.. however i can shoot a lot further and with confidence and make shots with broadheads out to 80 yards ..

but i dont do it , because bowhunting is a close range game to me.. if the deer is out of my range then its just one case where the deer won that day...

now if you talk to guys out west that take a lot further shots , 50 to 60 yards is a good shot for them.. so it is differant depending on the terrain you hunt and the distance you practice..

its going to depend on your shooting ability and your confidence in your shot.. not how big the buck is to determine how far your shoot with a bow...

Shoot Strong


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Re: How far is to far?


its going to depend on your shooting ability and your confidence in your shot.. not how big the buck is to determine how far your shoot with a bow...

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I agree with that statement 100%. Too many people say that if it was a big buck, that they might fling an arrow 50 or 60 yards. The size of the deer shouldn't have any affect on whether you take a shot with a bow, or a rifle for that matter.

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