Incompotent hospital


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Been an interesting month here .About 3 weeks ago Joseph fell off his toy jeep on the cement.He was favoring his his right arm the rest of the night so we took him in to get an X-ray.They said it was fine and sent him home.Everytime he fell on it or bumped it for 2 weeks afterwards he would just scream.This went on for about 2 weeks and we finally took him back in.Again they said the Xray looked good and sent us home.This was last Tuesday.Friday theres a message on the machine when I get home.Its the hospital, the radiologist happened to look at his Xray and whatta you know, hes been running around with a fracture for 3 weeks. mad.gifThat was bad, not life threatening but still it shouldnt take 3 days mch less 3 weeks to have a radiologist look at an Xray.But it got much more serious yesterday.

My wifes Grandma, shes gotta be somewhere between 85 and 90, not sure exactly how old was leaving my sister in laws house.She somehow missed a step or blacked out at the top of the steps.Anyway she went down hard.

My sister in law loaded her in the car and headed to the hospital clinic with her which is attached to the hospital but is all private doctors offices.The old lady had an obviously broken arm, and had just fell down a flight of stairs but they were informed they had no openings for her in the clinic.So they headed to the ER where again they were told the doctor on call was in the middle of something and couldnt see her, they would have to take her home and come back later shocked.gif

My sister in law was supposed to be in Omaha last night so my wife and mother in law went to take Grandma to the hospital.By this time they had to call the ambulance, fire department, and the sherriffs office to get her outta bed and hauled outta the house on a backboard mad.gif

XRays revealed a broken arm between the shoulder and elbow.There was also a broken vertabrae in her neck and possible one in her lower back.Theyre also wondering if she had a minor stroke which caused the whole incident.Thankfully the idiots shipped her out to a real hospital where she might get some medial attention about 10:00 last night.

Im not real big on frivolous lawsuits but IMO this place needs to be sued.They pull this crap all the time and its amazing nobodies died yet as a result of thier negligent practices.Apparently the only way to get seen over there is to be brought in by ambulance.The whole things been a giant mess and Im sitting at home with the kids with no idea whats going on at the hospital in Mason City. frown.gif

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Re: Incompotent hospital

Well I feel your family should seek some sort of legal action, especially if your grandma developes any sort of paralisis from this ordeal. Or at least call the local paper and report this type of thing and have them blow it wide open.

To be denied like that and sent home then to find broken virtabrea!!!

Man I would think its shut a closed. IF something worse comes of it.

If not then they just got away with it again...


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Re: Incompotent hospital

Hmmm thats interesting about that hospital In Iowa they have a no refusal policy at hospitals they cant refuse to help you cause the docs busy I think I would deffinately be calling in on this one.

On a side not Im also gonna have my wife look up and see what kinda problems she can dig up on this hospital in emmetsburg she sorks for a larg Ins company in Iowa and can research stuff like that interesting to see what she comes up with.

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Re: Incompotent hospital

Missing the fracture on the Xrays I can understand. Sometimes those things are really hard to detect. That's why we have specialists (radiologists) to read them.

The situation at the ER really sounds bizarre. The no refusal rule is Federal Law, and every hospital ER in the United States is well aware of it. Either we're not getting the whole story, or the person who refused to see the patient committed a gross violation of the rules.

These are the type of things that will cause a hospital to lose it's accredidation.

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Re: Incompotent hospital


The no refusal rule is Federal Law, and every hospital ER in the United States is well aware of it. Either we're not getting the whole story, or the person who refused to see the patient committed a gross violation of the rules.

[/ QUOTE ]

They didnt exactly refuse to see her, just told her to come back later.Not sure if theres much of a difference.I wasnt to upset about missing the kids fracture, like i said, it wasnt really life or death and I know that does happen.But sending an 85 yr old women home who just took a header of the top step very well coulda been.There was a lot that coulda been avoided if theyd just stuck her in a room in the ER untill the doctor was available.They wouldnt have had to call the ambulance, firemen, and sherriff in to take her back to the hospital an hour later for starters.Your right about not having the whole story though, this kinda stuff happens so often over there its just about standard procedure. frown.gif

Anyway, shes still in Mason City in the hospital, they have things pretty well under control.Theres no paralysis or anything and nobodies really sure if she blacked out or just missed the step yet.I havent been there and the wife hadnt been to bed yet when they got home last night, theyre gone again already this morning so I didnt get much chance to see whats going on.

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Re: Incompotent hospital


They refused an elderly woman emergency medical care. Contact an attorney.

Less here for everyone is this: If someone old takes a fall (even minor), if you have chest pains, if someone might be having a stroke, or any other potentially serious event where time is of the essence, CALL AN AMBULANCE.

My friend sat up in our local hospital with chest pains for over three hours while the Mexicans that are over running the area shuffled their snotty nosed kids into the ER because of a cold. He finally left and went home. If it was a heart attack, he would be dead.

If you don't want to or cannot call an ambulance, go to the nearest fire station where you will get great care and transportation.

NEVER...EVER....go to the hospital ER with a life threatening or serious problem by walking in. You will likely die in the waiting room.


p.s. in case I didn't mention it, CALL AN ATTORNEY.

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