ANOTHER Hunter alert!!!!!! One more time folks!!!

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The following is from a Mr. Joe White from Centerville, Alabama. He is looking to us as a last resort for help as he has been turned down by every one else.

Mr White says:

I am trying very hard to get a crossbow so I can start back to hunting. I was in a BIG TRUCK wreck 3yr's ago and I have a bad back and Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritires, Depression, Corparal Tunnel and the DR's. have me on a 10 LB weight limit and I loss the felling in my left leg and my left arm from it so I can't pull a bow back and hold it because of the twisting and the weight limit I have tried BUCKMASTER with no luck is there any other group that might be able to help me out I'm just tired of sitting in the house and want to get back to doing what I use to love to do before my wreck which was bow hunting or now would be crossbow hunting.

Joe whtie 382 thompson st centreville al 35042 [email protected]

Thanks folks. I know I can count on you!

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