Turkey choke question....


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Ok, I use a Mossberg 500 20 gauge with a full choke when hunting turkeys. Cabelas is the only place I've seen carry other chokes to fit my gun. I was thinking of upgrading to either the Turkey Extra Full or Turkey Super Full choke in Cabela's. Could any of you tell me what the difference is and would one of these chokes perform better than just my full choke I have? I'm hoping maybe the extra or super full will pattern better which would help my gun a little more but I'd like to hear any advice before I decide to get one. Thanks!

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Re: Turkey choke question....

I have not shot any of the Cabela's tubes. So I can't give you any answers from firsthand experience. The two tubes you mentioned may or may not provide you denser patterns. They will probably improve things for you. But there are a good many variables such as constriction, shot size, shot type, brand of ammo, etc. The whole sticky wicket is that you've, pretty much, gotta spend the $$ on the tube then pattern it out at the bench to see what results it will actually give you.

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Guest cowpoke

Re: Turkey choke question....

As Strut 10 said, the only way to see what will perform is to try them out with your shotgun.

However there is another source for 20 guage mossberg chokes if you are looking for options...

Go to this link


then click on trulock chokes at the top right side of the page and select mossberg ect.

generally speaking trulock chokes are as good as briley and cost about half or even less.

the precision hunter series is an extended choke.

I have purchased several trulock precision hunters for my winchester 1200 and my remingtons, they have performed well for me.

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Re: Turkey choke question....

Well there are normally a lot of choke choices for your gun. However this time of year the sporting good dealers don't carry the usual selection. If you wait until after the first of the year you'll have choices of Hastings, H. S. Strut Undertaker, Primos, etc. Otherwise Comp-n-choke does make one for Win/Moss 500 20 gauge(.565 xxfull) that you could order as well from them.

I've not used the Cabelas brand of choke. However I've had good luck with a lot of the stuff with their name on it.

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