Final Competition of Year


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Well, I didn't get to as many 3D events this year as I would have liked, but I did get lots of shooting in all spring and summer. Once again, our provincial Seniors Games were held in the latter part of August (everything from ice hockey to whist).

So our zone held its archery qualifier in May and the other members and I practiced our 900 rounds all summer. Actually the format this year was nicely diverse, with one day being a 900, the next a field course, and the final day a 3D event.

After the dust had settled and the 3-day scores were totalled up, I snagged the silver medal. So this was a repeat of last year - always a bridesmaid, never a bride. frown.gif Actually I was really pleased (well, except for a few shots mad.gif ) and the whole thing was great fun and very well organized.

The guy who schooled me is in the middle, me on the right.


Next stop - hunting season.

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Re: Final Competition of Year

2 years running and second place both times , thats pretty darn good if i say so myself.. congrats ..

looks like a fun shoot..

i shot my last competition shoot of the year saturday.. i still dont know the results , but our shop owners wife will tell me when i go in tonight.. she helps run the shoot..

every 3D shoot from now until oct will be with hunting gear..

Shoot Strong


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