Remington Ammo: Managed Recoil


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Re: Remington Ammo: Managed Recoil


I'm very interested in hunting coyotes at our ranch. We seem to have been over run by them in the last few years. They are so bold, that they come out about 200 yards to cross the field in the middle of the day while we are working. I know that there are a lot of small caliber rifles that can do the trick. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to get the kind of rifle I want. However, I do have a Remington 700 .308. My question is this, since the 150 and 180 grain are a bit much, would using the "managed recoil" rounds be just as effective. I believe I can use a 125 gr. round. Any opinions?

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Managed recoil is for less recoil & kick on the shooter. Shooting a coyote with a 150 grain managed recoil bullet will be just like hitting him with a 150 grain regular bullet inside 200 yards. Mananged recoil isn't going to shoot as flat as a varmit round.

308 in 125 grains is perfect for shooting varmnits. I just spoke to a game wardern Saturday who hunts Coyotes with a 30.06 110 grain bullet. Nothing is wrong with shooting them with the heavier loads its just that heavier loads don't shoot as flat & that's important when you're varmit hunting at long ranges.

.308 125 grains is perfect.

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Re: Remington Ammo: Managed Recoil

I have busted a few yotes with the .308 Win shooting 165 gr Ballistic Tips. It sure ruins their day. The Rem 125 gr Managed Recoil loads will not shoot quite as flat as their standard 150 gr loads. They will have less recoil if you can not take the recoil of the big game loads. When xeroed 2" high at 100 yards its trajectory is like:

50 - +1"

100 - +2"

150 - +1.5"

200 - -0.5"

225 - -2.5"

250 - -4.8"

275 - -7.6"

300 - -11.0"

A standard 150 gr 308 Win load like Remington's Scirocco has a path like this:

50 - +0.8"

100 - +2"

150 - +1.9"

200 - +0.5"

225 - -1.0"

250 - -2.5"

275 - -4.6"

300 - -7.0"

To have a 4" difference at 300 yards, I would put up with some recoil. It's not like you are going to be in a fire fight. Once you start popping off rounds, they magically disapear.

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